Setting Health, Wellness and Fitness Goals

Well, it’s that time of year again, when people are setting resolutions and goals to (hopefully) achieve in the new year. In reality, many people do not realize those goals. They keep them for a little while, then they silently slip away often without notice.

I too played that game in my earlier years, especially when it came to exercise. I was not a “habitual” exerciser yet I knew how important it was. I knew I would feel better and be healthier if I exercised on a regular basis. Yet, I’d start a program and it wouldn’t last long. If I got interrupted only once from my newly established “routine”, it went down the drain. Such is the case with way too many people.

Then one day I had a horrible health-related episode (not going there right now). THAT episode sparked me into realizing I wasn’t doing myself any good with my off and on exercise regimen. So, I decided once and for all I would tackle it. Here’s what I did…

(1) I truthfully examined my daily schedule to see if I could find a time of day when I would be the LEAST interrupted. After all, it was those “interruptions” that would literally wipe out my regimen. I found it… EARLY in the day. I started setting my alarm clock one hour earlier than I was used to. (Sure it wasn’t easy, but so what!) I would then get up before anyone else in the house, before the phone started ringing, before I had to get the kids going off to school, even before my husband got out of bed! It WORKED! I put in 45 minutes to 1 hour of exercise regularly, without interruption and that started what became a lifelong habit (from there on out).

(2) I developed a “motto” that has literally kept me going for decades. Really. I was 38 years old at the time and wanted to be in shape by age 40. Not a bad or unrealistic goal. So…here’s the motto or goal list I established:

I wanted to be…
Firm at 40
Fit at 50
Sexy at 60
Sophisticated at 70
Elegant at 80

Well, at the time I couldn’t think of anything for 90, so I pondered that literally for decades. Recently I ran all this by our younger son and he came up with the next line…

Naughty at 90 (LOVE it!!)
With that I was able to finish it out with…
With God’s help, still standing at 100! Done

The above goal list or motto has kept me moving for decades (I won’t share where I’m at in the scheme of decades). It worked.

Initially I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget it. Now it’s well ingrained in my memory banks so no written reminder is needed.

I suggest YOU set such a goal list, especially if you’re having trouble keeping those ever-renewed new year resolutions. Making changes for our health’s sake should be a lifelong endeavor. Not for 6 weeks, 2 months, 6 months or 2 weeks. The best way to realize change is to be consistent and to do it over time. If you get off the band wagon, forgive yourself. Life happens. Then get back on it as soon as possible and carry onward. That’s the only way you’ll really benefit and gain the health and wellness you’re wanting.

These simple tricks have worked for me. Starting out, I was no different than the average person, knowing I needed to exercise, but having an almost impossible time doing it. I truly hope my story helps spark something in you that will get you moving and living a healthier lifestyle. One you know you need, but have had a hard time establishing. Let me know if this works for you.

Best wishes and happy new year to all!

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