Fruits and Vegetables

Food Safety 101

Food Safety 101

Food Safety is Important for Everyone. Prevention is key!
Foodborne illness, also referred to as foodborne infections, foodborne disease, or food poisoning can affect absolutely anyone. Researchers have identified over 250 foodborne diseases, with most of them being caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Foodborne illness can also occur from contamination of chemicals or other toxins in food.

Foodborne illness affects as many as 1 in 6 Americans annually. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that each year 48 million people get foodborne infections, with 128,000 being hospitalized, and 3,000 dying as a result of their illness. The effects can range anywhere from mild digestive distress to death, and many problems in between. It can result in very serious consequences, so foodborne illness should not be taken lightly. Knowing how to avoid foodborne illness, recognizing the symptoms, and knowing what to do if you do encounter such illness can literally be life-saving. It’s something we should all be aware of, with knowing how to ward off any potential problems cannot be underestimated.

High Risk Populations. Some individuals are more prone to developing foodborne illness, and if they do get sick, their health risks become increased. This includes people with a weakened immune system, such as those undergoing cancer treatment, those who have certain illnesses such as diabetes, liver or kidney disease, those who have had organ transplants, or HIV/AIDS, or are taking certain medications, children under the age of 5, adults 65 years of age and older, and pregnant women.

Some Pathogens That Cause Foodborne Illness

The most common pathogens that cause foodborne illness in the United States are:

* Norovirus. Norovirus is the most common foodborne illness, and it is a very contagious virus. It can arise from consuming food or beverages infected with the virus. However, it can also be spread from person to person, especially when someone is caring for the infected person. Symptoms of norovirus include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and mild fever.

* Salmonella. Salmonella are bacteria live in the intestines of mammals. People usually come in contact with it by eating food that was contaminated by animal feces. Symptoms of a salmonella infection include vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

* Clostridium perfringens. The CDC estimates that this bacterium causes almost 1 million foodborne illnesses in the United States every year. The bacterium produces spores in their inactive forms that can survive heat, dryness, and other environmental conditions. The bacteria become active and multiply when food is kept at an unsafe temperature (between 40-140°F) for an extended period of time. When someone eats the food, C. perfringens produces a toxin that causes diarrhea. Foods typically linked with this type of foodborne illness include poultry (such as turkey and chicken), meats (such as beef and pork), and gravy. Outbreaks of this type of infection tend to happen where large numbers of people are served and keeping food at the proper temperatures is difficult. Such settings include hospitals and school cafeterias, prisons, nursing homes, and large events serving catered food. Most of such outbreaks happen in November and December with many being linked to common holiday foods such as turkey and roast beef.

* Campylobacter. This bacterium causes about 1.5 million illnesses annually in the United States. The infection can happen when people eat raw or undercooked poultry, or something that touched it. It can also be transmitted by eating other foods, including infected seafood, meat, and produce, by having contact with animals, and by drinking untreated water. People usually recover without treatment, but some need antibiotics. Symptoms include diarrhea (often bloody), fever, and stomach cramps. Nausea and vomiting may occur along with the diarrhea. Symptoms often start 2 to 5 days after ingesting the tainted food, and can last about one week. Sometimes complications such as irritable bowel syndrome, temporary paralysis, and arthritis can occur. In those with a weakened immune system, Campylobacter infection can spread to the bloodstream causing a life-threatening infection.

* Staphylococcus aureus (Staph). Food poisoning caused by Staph is a gastrointestinal illness caused by eating foods contaminated with toxins produced by the bacterium. The illness is characterized by a sudden onset of nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. Most of those infected will have diarrhea. Symptoms occur quickly, usually within 30 minutes to 8 hours after consuming the item with the Staph toxin. Symptoms last no longer than one day, and severe illness is rare. The illness cannot be passed from one person to another.

About 25% of people and animals have Staph on their skin and in their nose. It usually does not cause illness in healthy people, but Staph makes toxins that can cause food poisoning. Food contaminated with the toxin may not smell bad or look spoiled. Foods that are not cooked after handling are particularly at risk of being contaminated with Staph. Such foods include sliced meats, puddings, pastries, and sandwiches. People who carry Staph on their skin can contaminate food if they don’t wash their hands before working with food. The bacteria themselves are killed by cooking, however, the toxins are not destroyed by the heat and will still be able to cause illness.


Some other pathogens that don’t infect as many people as the most common ones, but their illnesses are more likely to lead to hospitalization include:

* Clostridium botulinum (Botulism). Botulism is a rare, but very serious disease caused by a toxin produced by this bacterium (and also some closely related other types of Clostridium bacteria). The toxin attacks the body’s nervous system, causing difficulty breathing, muscle paralysis, and even death. The toxin can be produced in food, wounds, and even the intestines of infants. Interestingly, the bacteria that make the toxin are found naturally in many places and it is rare for them to make people sick. The bacteria produce spores that help the bacteria survive in the environment. The spores usually do not cause sickness. However, under certain conditions, the spores can grow and make a potent lethal toxin. The conditions that allow the spores to grow and produce toxins include: low or no oxygen (anaerobic) environment, low acid, low sugar, low salt, a specific temperature range, and a certain amount of water. Improperly home-canned, preserved, or fermented foods can provide the right conditions for this to happen. When the foods are eaten, people can become seriously sick, or even die if they don’t get medical attention quickly.

Symptoms of botulism usually start with weakness of the muscles that control the eyes, face, mouth, and throat. The weakness may spread to the neck, arms, torso, and legs. Botulism may also weaken the muscles involved in breathing, which can lead to breathing difficulty and possible death.

* Listeria. Listeriosis is not very common in the United States, but it is the leading cause of death among those infected with foodborne illnesses. It is caused by eating food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. About 1,600 people get listeriosis each year, with about 260 dying. Mild cases cause gastrointestinal distress, which resolves on its own. However, the bacteria can become invasive in the body, making its way into the blood and even brain. When this happens, it can cause meningitis, miscarriage, and other fatalities. The bacterium is most likely to cause illness in pregnant women and their newborns, adults aged 65 and older, and people with weakened immune systems.

Listeria can hide in many foods. In the 1990s, infections were mostly linked to deli meats and hot dogs. Currently, Listeria outbreaks are often linked to dairy products and produce. Recent outbreaks have been traced to soft cheese, celery, sprouts, cantaloupe, and ice cream.

* Escherichia coli (E. coli). Many strains of E. coli are harmless. However, certain strains that can enter the body from contaminated food or water can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory illness, and other illnesses.

* Vibrio. Vibriosis causes about 80,000 infections with 100 deaths in the United States annually. People become infected by eating raw or undercooked seafood, or exposing a wound to seawater. Most infections happen from May through October when water temperatures are warmer.

Vibrio can cause watery diarrhea often accompanied by abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. The symptoms often occur within 24 hours of ingesting the tainted food, and last about three days. Severe illness is uncommon, and usually occurs in people with a weakened immune system.

The bacteria can cause a skin infection when an open wound is exposed to salt water or brackish water, which is a mixture of fresh and salt water, often found where rivers meet the sea.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning
Most people with a foodborne illness recover without medical treatment. However, those with severe symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Some common symptoms of foodborne diseases are:

* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Stomach cramps
* Diarrhea

It’s important to note that symptoms may differ from person to person, and may also depend on which pathogen or toxin contaminated the food. Sometimes, symptoms can be very severe, even life-threatening.

Common Food Safety Mistakes
No one intentionally does something to cause foodborne illness among their family and friends. However, some innocent mistakes can cause serious illness when handling food, especially raw meat, fish and poultry. Being aware of simple mistakes that can easily happen can help to prevent serious illness. The following are some common food safety mishaps that can happen when a person is not thinking about food safety.

* Leaving raw meat out of the refrigerator for an extended amount of time. This allows harmful bacteria to breed and can possibly make someone very, very sick. Such a thing can happen when someone is preparing the grill. It’s best to leave the raw animal foods covered and in the refrigerator until everything is ready for cooking or grilling.

* Leaving cooked or raw food uncovered or unrefrigerated beyond safe times, especially when eating outside. This exposes food to insects, debris, viruses, and bacteria, in addition to the food being kept in the temperature danger zone (40°F to 140°F) too long. When left within the danger zone range too long, harmful bacteria can flourish potentially making the food dangerous to eat. Keeping food covered, while keeping hot food hot and cold food cold can go a long way in avoiding foodborne illness. Always put extra food away as soon as possible after serving.

* Not putting leftover foods away in a timely manner. Leftover food should be refrigerated within two hours of being cooked, when dining inside. Note that this is two hours from the time something is cooked, not two hours from when you’re finished eating. This includes take-out foods or leftover foods from dining out that you elect to take home with you. When eating outside on a hot day, the food should be refrigerated within one hour of being cooked. Foods left out for prolonged times may easily allow the growth of potentially harmful bacteria to grow within. Anyone who eats that food later in the day or in the next day or two could possibly become very sick.

* Not properly sanitizing and disinfecting food preparation surfaces and tools. This can accidentally spread unsafe food juices and/or particles on counters, knifes, cutting boards, plates, tongs, and other surfaces or tools used for food preparation and serving.

* Using the same food preparation tools and surfaces for all foods. This can create an environment where bacteria and viruses are not contained to specific areas and are more likely to spread. This is especially true when handling raw, then cooked animal foods along with fresh produce that will be served raw.

* Sitting food out in the sun. This warms the food, increasing the rate at which pathogens can multiply and reduces the time frame for safe food consumption. Being mindful of temperature regulation and the environment prepared food is exposed to, especially when dining outside can go a long way in preventing foodborne illness.

The Importance of Cleanliness

Personal Hygiene
Wash hands and surfaces often! Germs that can cause foodborne illness can live on your skin. Because of that, it’s very important to wash hands often. This is especially important after using the restroom, blowing your nose, touching or scratching a wound, covering your mouth with your hand when you sneeze or cough, working around others who are sick, changing diapers or assisting a child in the bathroom, handling chemicals, brushing your hair, handling money, handling or petting an animal, handling raw meat, seafood, or poultry, chewing tobacco or smoking, eating, using electronic devices, taking out the trash, handling dirty items (no matter what they are), and touching anything that may contaminate your work area or food.

To thoroughly wash your hands, use warm water and soap, and scrub all areas for at least 20 seconds. Rinse hands well and dry with a clean cloth or fresh paper towel.

Utensils and Equipment

Food preparation and serving equipment and utensils should routinely be washed with hot, soapy water (or washed in a dishwasher) after each use. This includes dishes, glassware, pots and pans, cutting boards, preparation knives and serving utensils, reusable straws, lunchboxes, water bottles, and plastic food containers.

Sanitation on a regular basis can be important for preventing foodborne illness, especially if you prepare raw meats, seafood, and/or poultry. Utensils may be placed in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove them with tongs and allow them to cool before being stored.

To sanitize cutting boards, larger equipment, or items that cannot be boiled, prepare a sanitizing solution of one tablespoon of bleach in one gallon of water. Allow items to soak at least 2 minutes, or up to 5 minutes. Remove them from the solution and allow them to air dry. There is no need to rinse them after being sanitized, unless a stronger bleach solution is used. In that case, rinsing with potable water is necessary. Prepare your sanitizing solution fresh, as needed, because it will not keep beyond 24 hours. It is very important to note that bleaches that contain thickening agents, fragrances, or other additives are not considered to be “food grade” and should not be used on food, plates, utensils, or other equipment that will come in contact with food.

When cleaning sinks and all equipment that will be used in food preparation, it’s important to remember that any disinfectants or cleaning agents used in their cleaning (other than the weak sanitizing bleach solution detailed above) must be rinsed very well so all traces of such chemicals are removed after being cleaned. Residues left from such chemicals can be transferred to food during preparation, potentially causing foodborne illness in those who eat the food.

To sanitize kitchen surfaces such as countertops, work tables, refrigerator shelves and door handles, and oven door handles, prepare a bleach solution of 1/3 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water (4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water). Wipe the solution on the surface to be sanitized and allow it to sit for at least one minute before wiping it off with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Important! Do not use bleach on marble, non-stainless steel, aluminum, silver, or chipped enamel. Also, NEVER mix bleach with any other chemicals. Only mix it with water. Be sure to wear gloves, use cloths or sponges that you don’t mind getting bleach on. Wear clothing that would be safe to wear around bleach in case some splashes on you. Make sure you have good ventilation when using bleach products.

Separate to Prevent Cross-Contamination

Biological Contamination. For food safety, it is critically important to keep raw animal products that will be cooked (like raw meat, fish, poultry, and eggs) away from fresh produce or other foods that will be eaten raw. Raw animal products may be contaminated with harmful bacteria that can make us very sick if ingested, even in tiny amounts. Such foods should be kept separate when shopping, bagging, storing, preparing, or working with these foods in any way imaginable.

Using color coded cutting boards and utensils is helpful in preventing biological cross-contamination. Designating a specific color of cutting board to always be used when cutting raw animal foods and another specific color to always be used when preparing raw produce is extremely helpful in preventing such cross-contamination. Washing and also sanitizing your cutting boards and utensils after each use can be extremely helpful in preventing such contamination. Also, never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food, especially raw animal foods. If you must use that same place, wash it in hot soapy water first, and preferably, also treat it with a sanitizing solution before reusing it. Do not reuse a cutting board in this way because some are porous and you may not remove all potential pathogens that are on it.

Also, be sure to also sanitize kitchen counters and work areas after cutting or handling raw animal foods. Even a small amount of raw meat juice splashed on a kitchen counter can be enough to contaminate food that will be consumed raw if it comes in contact with that area. It’s important to be mindful of keeping your work areas and all tools that were used sanitized after working with any raw animal foods and before doing anything else, to prevent possibly harmful cross-contamination.

Chemical Contamination. Chemical contamination happens when food come in contact with chemicals or factors that are not intended to be ingested. The most common causes of such contamination include cleaning products in the food storage or preparation area, and pesticides and herbicides from unwashed fruit and vegetables.

Products such as detergents, sanitizers, and other chemicals you may have in your kitchen are potential contaminants if they come in contact with your food. Such items should always be stored well away from food and food preparation areas. They should be stored in their original labelled containers. Make a point of never storing food in any container that was used for storing chemicals because any residue on the container could possibly leach onto the food. When using chemicals in your food storage and preparation area, always remember to rinse well after cleaning and sanitizing.

When preparing fresh fruits and vegetables, always rinse them well before peeling, cutting, or preparing them in any way. This includes thick-skinned produce that will be peeled and the peel discarded, such as a melon. If a melon is not washed before being cut, any soil, microorganisms, or chemical residues that linger on the outside of the peel can be carried inward to the edible flesh when you cut into it with a knife. This could lead to possible foodborne illness, depending upon what was on the surface. Washing before cutting is critical to preventing such a mishap.

If you are reactive to chemical residues on fresh produce such as apples, and want to remove more residue than simple rinsing with water can do, there is a way to remove most of what was left on the food. Make enough of a solution of 2 cups water to 1 teaspoon of baking soda to completely submerge the food. Place the food in the solution, weighing it down if needed (because some items such as apples will float). Allow the food to soak in the solution for up to 15 minutes. Remove the food from the soaking solution, rinse, then dry well and store them as usual. Wash and rinse your soaking container well to remove any residue. This tactic has been proven scientifically and works well for removing chemical residues from foods. Here is a link to a video I released on this technique…

Physical Contamination
. Raw meat, poultry, and fish may be contaminated with harmful bacteria. Such foods should always be kept separate from other foods, especially those that are already prepared or will be eaten fresh. In the refrigerator, fresh foods or those foods that have already been prepared should be stored on shelves above shelves where any raw animal foods are being kept. The raw animal foods should be kept tightly wrapped to help prevent any fluids from leaking out of their packaging. This protects your fresh or prepared food from possibly being contaminated with any drippings from the raw animal foods. If any leaking does occur, be sure to thoroughly clean and sanitize the refrigerator shelf before placing any other items in that area.

Also, it is important to be mindful of keeping designated cutting boards and utensils for use with raw animal foods and raw produce items. Using color-coded utensils and cutting boards designated for such items is an excellent way to prevent cross-contamination and cross-contact of possible bacteria in your kitchen. Designate a specific color, such as green, for use with fresh fruits and vegetables. Another color, such as red or orange can be designated only to be used when cutting raw meats, fish, and poultry.

Common Allergens.
If someone you prepare food for is reactive to any specific food, then extra care should be taken to avoid cross-contact of that food with other foods when preparing any meal. Using color-coded utensils and cutting boards would be helpful in making sure there is no cross-contamination. Also, use care in keeping the allergen away from other foods in storage, or at least wrap it well, so there is no chance it will spread (in the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer) in any way onto other foods nearby.

Some highly sensitive people may even react to the aroma of a specific food. If you have someone you prepare food for who is extremely reactive to something, it may be best not to have that food in the home at all. It’s far better to be safe than sorry!

About Washing Food

Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh produce usually should not be washed until you are ready to use it. When in doubt, check the food label or packaging that it came in. Foods with an inedible peel, such as melons, citrus fruits, and avocados still should be washed before being cut. This is because any soil or germs on the outside of the peel can be carried into the edible flesh with a knife as it pierces the skin. To prevent this, always wash all fruits and vegetables before using them, even if they will be peeled first. The US Food and Drug Administration suggests we use a vegetable brush to scrub firm produce, such as a cucumber.

Meats, Poultry, Fish. The flesh of meats, poultry, and fish should not be washed before being cooked. If there are bacteria on the surface of such foods, washing them first can spread the bacteria onto clean surfaces in your kitchen, greatly increasing the risk of foodborne illness. For instance, if contaminated poultry is rinsed in a sink, the sink will then harbor the bacteria. If any of the rinsing water splashed on the faucet handles or countertop, you greatly increase the risk of spreading the bacteria on other foods, equipment, kitchen cloths, and/or utensils from being in contact with the splashed water. The only way to prevent this is to never rinse such foods. The only way to kill bacteria that are on fresh animal foods is to cook them to the proper internal temperature.

Food Safety When Cooking

When cooking, it is important to heat foods to the proper minimum internal temperature to be sure any bacteria in or on the food is destroyed. A food thermometer is essential for this task. See the next section to find the proper cooking temperature for the food you are cooking. Remember that those temperatures listed are minimum temperatures for safe cooking. Bringing foods to higher temperatures is perfectly fine and a matter of personal preference.

When you are finished cooking and need to hold the food for a little while before serving, it is important to keep it out of the temperature danger zone of between 40°F (5°C) and 140°F (60°C). Bacteria grows very rapidly when held between 70°F (21°C) and 125°F (52°C). If food is held within this temperature range for 2 hours or longer, it may not be safe to eat. To keep hot foods hot, they can be placed in an oven set on its lowest temperature, which should be above the maximum temperature of the danger zone. To keep cold foods cold, place them in the refrigerator or in an ice chest where they can be covered with ice. Of course, if they are frozen foods such as ice cream or sorbet, hold them in the freezer until needed. If they are frozen foods that were softened, they can be held in the refrigerator. But be aware that they will continue to thaw or soften if they were previously frozen.

Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures for Food Safety

The only way to kill all bacteria in foods, especially raw meat is to cook it to the proper minimum internal temperature. A food thermometer is essential for ensuring your food has heated internally to the appropriate temperature. The chart below lists these temperatures:

* 145°F for whole beef, pork, lamb, veal, and uncooked fresh, smoked ham that was packaged in a USDA-inspected facility (and not previously opened)
* 145°F for fish and shellfish of any type
* 160°F for all ground meats
* 160°F for eggs
* 165°F for all chicken and poultry (whole or ground)
* 165°F for heating leftovers of any type (including cooked ham)
* 165°F for casseroles

Chilling Food
After a meal is finished, be sure to pack any leftovers in an appropriate container and store them in the refrigerator as soon as possible. To help prevent foodborne illness, all leftovers should be stored in an appropriate way (in the refrigerator or freezer) within two hours of being cooked. Note that this is not two hours after getting up from the dinner table. Being mindful of how long food has been sitting out and adhering to this rule can help to prevent serious illness in anyone who will consume the leftover foods later. This is important because the temperature of our homes falls within the temperature danger zone. Food should be kept within this range for as little time as possible.

If you are dining outside in the sun on a hot day, it is important to put food away within one hour of being cooked, not two. Under these conditions, food will be subjected to warmer temperatures (still within the danger zone) than if they were served indoors. The warmer temperatures outside will invite bacteria to proliferate even faster than indoors. Hence, we need to chill the food sooner when dining outside, to prevent possible foodborne illness later.

Temperature Danger Zone
. The Danger Zone is the temperature range at which bacteria can readily grow and multiply. The range is between 40°F and 140°F (5-60°C), with the most vulnerable range being between 70°F (21°C) and 125°F (52°C). If a food is contaminated with harmful bacteria and left in the Danger Zone temperature range, the bacteria can grow potentially causing foodborne illness in those who consume the food, even if it has been cooked before being eaten. Keeping food out of this temperature range helps to prevent foodborne illness (by limiting the growth of bacteria in the food) in those who handle or consume the food. Food is safest when it is either frozen, chilled, or heated beyond the Danger Zone temperature range. The colder it is, the less likely for bacteria to grow and multiply.

Ideal Temperature for Your Refrigerator and Freezer.
The ideal temperature range for a refrigerator should be above 32°F (0°C) and below 40°F (4°C). This keeps food out of the danger zone, deterring the growth of any bacteria that may be on the food.

Freezers should be kept at 0°F (-18°C) or below.

Thawing Food
Many of us keep food in the freezer for convenience and safe storage. The problem can come when we want to use the food and time is short. Some foods, such as frozen vegetables, can be prepared from a frozen state, while others, such as a frozen casserole, will cook better when thawed first. There are different ways that food can be safely thawed.

* Refrigerator. Thawing in the refrigerator is slow, but a food-safe method. It’s often convenient to transfer food from the freezer to the refrigerator before retiring for the night, when you need to cook it the next day. If you are thawing meat, poultry, or seafood, be sure to place it in a pan or plastic bag so any juices will not drip onto other foods in the refrigerator. Because of the potential risk of cross-contamination with thawing animal foods, it is best to place it on the bottom of the refrigerator so there is no chance of any liquid dripping on something below.

* Cold Water. Place frozen food into a leak-proof plastic bag or container for faster thawing than the refrigerator. Submerge the bagged food in cold tap water. Change the water every 30 minutes until it is thawed. Cook the food immediately after thawing.

* Microwave. Food may be thawed in the microwave. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for thawing food in your appliance. It is important to cook meat or poultry immediately after microwave thawing.

No matter which method works best for you in a specific scenario, it’s very important not to simply allow foods to thaw at room temperature. Doing so allows the outer surfaces of the food to be exposed to the Danger Zone (40-140°F or 5-60°C) temperature range. In this range, harmful bacteria can multiply and grow, possibly causing foodborne illness. It is best to avoid this and never allow foods to sit at room temperature for any length of time, whether it has been cooked or not. The general rule of thumb is to not allow any perishable food to sit at room temperature for 2 hours or more, even if it was frozen at the start. There is a risk of foodborne illness when eating such food, even if it is cooked after that time. It’s helpful to plan in advance when using frozen food. If it needs to be thawed first, choose the method that will work best for you, based on your circumstances.

Refreezing Thawed Foods
It is not safe to refreeze any plant-based food that has been out of the freezer and at room temperature for two hours or more. If it is a hot day, you do not have air conditioning, and the house is very warm (especially over 90°F or 32°C), it should not be refrozen if it has been at room temperature for one hour. If the frozen food is an animal-based food (meat, fish, poultry, milk-based, or eggs) or contains animal-based foods (such as a casserole or soup), it should not be refrozen if it has been at room temperature for one hour or more. If the house is very warm, then no animal food should be refrozen. It should be cooked or discarded.

Managing Leftovers

* Always practice the 2x2x4 Rule when dealing with leftover cooked food. This is a good rule to remember when storing leftover food of any type. In brief, here is what this means. The first 2 represents 2 hours. This means that all leftover foods should be refrigerated within 2 hours of being done cooking (NOT two hours after you are finished eating). The second 2 represents inches. When placing hot or warm leftover foods in the refrigerator, try not to have them over 2 inches thick. It takes a long time to chill such foods at the core. The thicker it is, the longer it will take to cool down. Limiting the thickness to no more than 2 inches will allow it to cool down faster, helping to avoid foodborne illness from that food. The last number represents 4 days. As a general rule of thumb, use leftovers within 4 days. Of course there are exceptions to this rule and you should let common sense be your guide. Here is a video I released explaining this guideline for handling and using leftover foods…

* Be sure to discard any perishable food that was left out at room temperature for 2 hours or more. Discard any perishable food if it was left out for 1 hour or more when the temperature was above 90°F (32°C).

* If you enjoy a meal out at a restaurant and take any leftover food with you, place it in the refrigerator immediately when you get home, as long as it is within the two-hour time frame of having been served the food. If it has been longer than two hours that the food has been at room temperature, it is best to throw it away. Bacteria readily grow at room temperature and food that has been sitting out for longer than two hours may not be suitable for consumption. Eating it may result in serious foodborne illness, and it’s not worth taking a chance.

* When reheating leftover food, always be sure to bring it to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C). This helps to ensure that any harmful bacteria in the food have been destroyed by the heat.

* Be sure to use leftover food within 3 to 4 days of initial preparation, unless you know for a fact that it has a longer shelf-life.

* An easy and convenient way to use up leftovers is to take them to work for lunch the next day. If that’s not an option, you could have them for supper the next evening. If they aren’t enough for a complete meal, add a side dish to balance out the meal. A cooked vegetable or a side salad will often be enough to make the meal complete.

* If possible, reinvent the leftovers into a whole new dish for the next evening’s supper. Including them in casseroles, soups, wraps, hash, a rice dish, or even a pasta dish are possibilities based on what you’re working with. Try to prepare enough for one meal, rather than having a large amount leftover, once again. It’s best to eat up leftovers in a short time rather than keeping them going by always including them in new foods, over and over.

* If having your leftovers the next day is not an option, they could be frozen to have later as a lunch at work or a fast, easy supper when time is short.

* If you really don’t enjoy having leftover food, try to prevent them in the first place. Limit the amount of food you prepare to what you anticipate being able to eat in one sitting. Depending upon what you are cooking, that can be hard at times, but it’s well worth the effort rather than throwing away good, edible food.

* If you find that your refrigerator is becoming clogged with leftover foods, make a commitment to finish them up that day. Have a leftover buffet for supper, and make it an “all you can eat” night, if needed.

* Leftover vegetables can be frozen to be used later when making homemade stock. Freeze leftover vegetables the day they are made for the best quality.


Product Dating When Shopping and at Home
“Use By” or “Best By” Dates. These terms are often used interchangeably. They indicate a date when the flavor or appearance of a product may start to deteriorate and not be at its best. However, the food is usually still safe to eat after this date. To enjoy your food at its best, it’s helpful to notice these dates on items when shopping, and choose the one with the date farthest into the future. This is particularly helpful when you are stocking your pantry with extra items that won’t be used right away.

When you get home, be sure to arrange your food items so those with the nearest “Use By” or “Best By” date will be easily accessible and first in line to be used. This way you’ll pick up and use those items first, always ensuring that your pantry items will be fresh and at their best.

Another way to help rotate your food is by using the “FIFO” (first in, first out) method of rotation. Using the oldest of a particular type of item when reaching for food to prepare is an easy and excellent way to help rotate your food supply, ensuring that nothing sits forever forgotten on the shelf.

Expiration Dates. An expiration date is different from the “Best By” or “Use By” dates. The expiration date indicates a date when the product, usually a dairy or meat item, will most likely be spoiled. There may be some leeway with this date regarding spoilage of any one food, but you should probably discard any foods that are past their expiration date. Some foods may not smell bad nor taste bad when they reach this point, but that doesn’t mean that they are free of harmful bacteria. It’s better to be safe than sorry regarding foodborne illness. When in doubt, throw it out!


Tips When Grocery Shopping

* If you intend to run errands during the same outing when grocery shopping, if possible try to make the grocery store your last stop. This is especially important if the weather is warm. The car can get extremely hot when closed up during warmer months. If you have no choice but to leave groceries in a hot car for a little while, bring either a cooler bag or ice chest (complete with ice or cooling agents of some type) with you and place the cold food in there. This will help prevent or at least slow down the growth of any harmful pathogens on the food before you get them stored properly at home.

* Before selecting perishable foods at the grocery store, be sure to double-check the expiration dates, especially on dairy and raw animal products. Be sure there is enough leeway before they expire so you can enjoy them as intended and not discard them because you suddenly realized they are too old to eat.

* When bagging groceries, be sure to bag any raw meat, fish, or poultry items separately. It is especially important not to package them with any foods that will be eaten fresh, such as fruits or salad vegetables. It’s helpful to double bag fresh animal foods so no juices can accidentally drip onto other items in your cart, car, or in your kitchen. Any bacteria on the packaging can get onto foods or other items within the same bag infecting them, possibly causing foodborne illness later.

* When you enter the store, make a point of wiping down the grocery cart handle with sanitizing wipes. Many stores supply the wipes for customers to use as desired. Doing so can help to reduce the transmission of germs from person to person. It can also help to prevent the spread of germs on food that we may handle in the store, such as when we’re sorting through cucumbers to find one we want to buy.

* When using your own reusable grocery bags, make a point of washing them weekly. They come in contact with many different surfaces and food items during any one shopping trip. They can pick up and harbor bacteria that can be transmitted to new items the next time they are used. It is wonderful for the planet to use such bags, but we need to take responsibility to keep them clean, if for nothing else than our own protection.

* Beware of purchasing food in deeply dented cans. Cans with deep dents (like ones your finger can fit into) may have damaged seams that can allow bacteria to enter the can, which can make the contents unsafe to eat. Also, if a can appears to be bulging from within, it could be a sign of botulism, a deadly bacterium growing inside the can. Avoid such cans at all cost. If you find one in your pantry, do NOT eat the food. Discard it immediately.

* If you expect to be in the grocery store for a while, such as when you have a long list of items to buy, try to select your frozen items, cold foods, and raw animal foods last. That will help to keep them from getting warm in your cart as you shop.

* Never buy meat or poultry in packaging that is torn or leaking. If you spot such a package, point it out to meat department personnel in the store.

* Do not buy any food past the “Best by,” or expiration date.

* If you notice a food that is close to the “Sell by” date, it should still be OK to eat. This is the date that tells grocers when a food item needs to be removed from the shelf. It is usually still fine to eat at that point, but it is assumed that the food will be eaten soon thereafter. If you notice a “Sell by” date is close to the current date and you want to buy that food item, it is fine to buy as long as you plan to consume it within a few days. If you need to keep it beyond that, it is best to choose something else.

Tips When Eating Out
There is no absolute way you can guarantee your food is safe when eating out. However, there are some steps you can take to help protect yourself.

* Be picky about where you eat. Check local reviews online on resources like Yelp and Google Reviews. If people have complained about being served undercooked food or getting sick after eating somewhere, it’s a good signal to eat elsewhere.

* Local health inspections are public information and should be available online, depending on your state. Do an internet search to find such information regarding local restaurants in your area. Choose those that have received high ratings from their local inspectors.

* Once you are in a restaurant, look around. Does it look clean? Do the floors have a lot of debris on them? Are tables being wiped down appropriately after patrons? Is the staff wearing clean uniforms? Appearance can tell you a lot!

* Once you are served, check your food. Hot food should be hot, not just barely warm. Food that has been cooked in advance and held warm may or may not have been held at the proper temperature to deter the growth of bacteria. The same goes for cold food. Cold food should be cold, and not room temperature. Again, bacteria can readily grow at room temperature, so the food may not be safe to eat if it was held at room temperature for an extended period of time.

* If you see that a food, particularly meat, fish, or poultry, was not cooked completely. Don’t eat it. Tell your server that the food is raw inside and needs to be cooked more. If you feel like something just isn’t right with any food on your plate, don’t eat it. Discuss the issue with your server and ask that the chef make it right or serve you something else.

* If you believe you got sick from food eaten in a restaurant, report it to your local health department.

* If you want to take leftover food home with you, bear in mind that it should be refrigerated within 2 hours of when the food was prepared. If the food is exposed to high temperatures, like in a hot car or at a picnic, the food should be refrigerated within one hour of being served. If you cannot chill your leftover food down in a timely way, it’s best to not take it home. It’s better to have it thrown out than take a chance on getting seriously ill over it. If you can chill your foods within a reasonable time frame, be sure to eat the leftovers within 3 or 4 days. Throw them away after that.

* Be observant when at a restaurant where you can see the food handlers. Are they wearing gloves or using utensils instead of their hands when handling food? Does anyone appear to be sick? Has anyone been coughing over the food they are preparing? Does the food appear to be kept at appropriate temperatures? If you see any possible means for contracting foodborne illness, it may be best to eat elsewhere.

* Many restaurants will post their inspection scores in plain view for patrons to see. Look for their certificate of inspection. If the restaurant has a poor score, it may be best to eat elsewhere.


Tips When Preparing Food at Home
* Be careful not to use too much of any chemical or sanitizer when cleaning at home. Follow the manufacturer’s suggestions on how to properly use a chemical. Be sure to rinse the area and all tools, utensils, and your hands very well after use.

* Always wash your hands well before and after handling food.

* Only use food-safe storage containers when packing up any extra food. Never pack food in a container that was used for a chemical or any non-food item. Any residue in the container could contaminate your food.

* Marinate meat, fish and poultry in a covered dish in the refrigerator.

* It never hurts to use your nose when opening a closed container. Aroma can tell us a lot about if a food is fresh or not. For instance, we often smell a jug of milk when we open it. The aroma can tell us if that milk has spoiled.

* Clean out your refrigerator at least once a week. Go through the foods in your refrigerator and toss out anything that has seen better days and is no longer fit to eat.

* Any raw poultry or ground meats should be discarded if they have been in the refrigerator for more than 1 or 2 days. If any raw meats are off color or smell bad, they should absolutely not be eaten. Wrap them well and discard them. Disinfect the area in the refrigerator where they were, along with the container(s) they were in.

* Inspect cooked leftovers, especially if they have been in the refrigerator for more than 4 days. They may be fine, but if they are starting to look or smell “off” then it’s best to toss them. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

* Rinse fresh produce with clean, cool water right before cutting or preparing it for a meal. This includes rinsing produce that will be peeled. This is because of the possibility of carrying any soil or bacteria that is on the surface inward to the part that will be eaten when something is peeled, cut, or sliced with a knife.

* Use a food thermometer to help ensure food has been cooked to the proper temperature. If it is not up to the proper temperature, cook or bake it longer, as needed.

* Keep foods at the proper temperature when you’re not able to serve them right away. Cold foods should be kept below 40°F. Hot foods should be kept above 140°F. An oven set at its lowest temperature setting will usually work for holding hot foods until serving time. When in doubt with cold foods, place them in the refrigerator or freezer until they can be served.

* When serving food buffet-style, keep hot food hot with chafing dishes, slow cookers, and/or warming trays. Keep cold food cold by nesting dishes in bowls of ice, or use small serving trays and replace them often, while keeping the extras in the refrigerator.

* When preparing or serving food, never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food of any type. Always use a clean plate or cutting board that is reserved for use only with cooked food.

* Do not leave food out at room temperature for an extended period of time. It should be refrigerated within 2 hours of being finished cooking, and one hour if the temperature is very warm, such as 90°F.


Food safety is something we don’t always focus on when shopping, storing, or handling food at home. When reading all the dos and don’ts in this article, it can seem daunting and make a novice ready to throw his or her hands in the air and resolve to never fix food at home. However, the principals are not hard, especially when you consider how pathogens can be spread from place to place and allowed to grow and multiply when the conditions are right. Learning this information to the point where practicing good food safety measures becomes habit rather than effort can literally be life-saving. It’s well worth the effort to be mindful of such things until they become second-nature to you. After a while, instincts will take over and you won’t have to labor over what to do when. It will be time well spent and you’ll be glad you did in the long run!


About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.


Paprika 101 – The Basics

Paprika 101 – The Basics

About Paprika
Paprika is the fourth most popular spice in the world and is often found in spice mixes and Cajun seasoning. It is made from finely ground, dried ripened sweet pimento bell peppers (Capsicum annum). They are members of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants. This is a type of pepper that is sweet with very little heat. It is mild in flavor and has a brilliant orange-red color. The flavor of regular paprika has been described as bitter to mild and slightly sweet, with earthy/fruity/pungent notes. Paprika is sometimes hot, depending on the variety of pepper. Paprika has many different names, in the various languages and cultures around the world. This type of pepper is primarily grown in Hungary, Spain, South America, the Mediterranean region, India, and in California in the USA.

Spanish smoked paprika was smoked over fire which adds a smoky flavor. Smoked paprika has been described as being bitter to slightly sweet, and sometimes hot, with notes of meat and/or smoke. Hungarian paprika is usually sun-dried and sweet.

Early Spanish explorers carried red pepper seeds back to Europe. The plant was cultivated and over time it gradually lost its pungent flavor and evolved into “sweet” paprika. It is considered to be the national spice of Hungary, where it was introduced by the Turks in 1569. Many varieties of paprika can be found in Hungary, with their colors ranging from brown, red, and orange hues. In 1937, the Hungarian chemist Albert Szent-György won the Nobel Prize for research on the vitamin content of paprika. He found that pound for pound, paprika has more Vitamin C than citrus fruit. The bright color of paprika comes the carotenoids it contains.

Main Types of Paprika
There are three main types of paprika: sweet, smoked, and hot. There is a distinct flavor difference between the types of paprika, which can give varied flavor profiles to your dish. With flavors ranging from mild and sweet, to smokey, to bitter and hot, it’s helpful to know the differences so you can use the appropriate variety when preparing foods.

Sweet Paprika. This type of paprika is usually labeled as “paprika.” It adds bright orange-red color and a slightly sweet flavor without heat to any dish. It is often used as a garnish on deviled eggs and potato salad, and used as a flavoring in meat rubs and marinades. It may also be added to cheeses, chicken, duck, hors d’oeuvres, rice, salads, smoked foods, vegetables, and cottage cheese. It can even be added to salad dressings where it can act as an emulsifier (combining oil and vinegar). If a recipe does not call for a particular type of paprika, sweet paprika would usually be used. Sweet paprika is sometimes used to balance the flavor of other spices in a dish.

Smoked Paprika. This type of paprika is made from sweet peppers that were smoked during the drying process, giving it a smoky or meaty flavor. This adds a subtle smokiness to food. It is sometimes referred to as smoked Spanish paprika, or pimenton. Smoked paprika comes in several varieties, including mild, medium-hot, and hot. Note that substituting smoked paprika for sweet paprika (and vice versa) will change the flavor of the dish, sometimes in an undesirable way. Smoked paprika may be used in flavoring potatoes, sweet potatoes, lentil dishes, rice dishes, salad dressings, Romesco sauce for pasta, stews, barbecue sauces and dishes, chicken dishes, veggie burgers, vegetarian meatballs and gravy, shrimp dishes, tacos, BBQ sauce and sandwiches, deviled eggs, seasoned salt blends, corn chowder, refried beans, Tuscan bean soup, butternut squash dishes, pot pies, and any dish where you would enjoy a bit of smokiness flavor added.

Hot Paprika. Hot paprika is Hungarian paprika and is considered to be the national spice of Hungary. It is an important spice used in Hungarian cooking, and is often considered to be superior to the other types of paprika. It adds a peppery spiciness to any dish, and in Turkey and Hungary it is often used like many Americans use black pepper. It is kept on the table and used as desired on any dish before them. Hot paprika is often used in stews, meat dishes, and any dish that would benefit from a touch of cayenne pepper flavor.


Nutrition and Health Benefits of Paprika
Although we don’t eat a lot of paprika at any one time, it does have some nutritional value and health benefits worth noting. Paprika is rich in calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. It is also a good source of folate, Vitamin A (from carotenoids), choline, niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, iron, and Vitamin K. One teaspoon of paprika has all of 6.5 calories.

Antioxidants. Since paprika is made from colorful dried peppers, it is notably high in a variety of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important compounds that fight cell damage caused by highly reactive free radical molecules. Such damage is linked to chronic illnesses including heart disease and cancer. It is well-established that eating antioxidant-rich foods may help to prevent these conditions. The main antioxidants in paprika are in the carotenoid family including beta carotene, capsanthin, zeaxanthin, and lutein.

Healthy Vision. Paprika contains nutrients that may boost our eye health. These nutrients include Vitamin E, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Studies have linked diets that are high in these nutrients, especially lutein and zeaxanthin, to a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

In a study published in the March 2008 issue of the journal Archives of Ophthalmology, researchers studied the diets of over 1,800 women. They found that those with the highest intake of lutein and zeaxanthin were 32 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those with the lowest intakes.

In another study published in the September 2007 issue of the journal Archives of Ophthalmology, researchers examined the diets of 4,519 adults and noted that those with a higher intake of lutein and zeaxanthin were associated with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Inflammation. The hot varieties of paprika contain the compound capsaicin. It is believed that this compound binds to receptors in nerve cells reducing inflammation and pain. In turn, this may help to protect us against a number of inflammatory conditions including arthritis, nerve damage, and digestive issues.

Several studies have shown that topical creams with capsaicin help to reduce arthritis pain and nerve damage. Similar research on capsaicin tablets is more limited. So for now, if you want to try capsaicin for pain relief, topical creams may be a wise choice.

In a study published in 2014 in the journal Progress in Drug Research, researchers followed 376 adults with gastrointestinal diseases. Capsaicin supplements helped to prevent stomach inflammation and damage. In another study published in 2018 in the Journal of Neuroinflammation, researchers found that rats who were fed capsaicin supplements had reduced inflammation associated with an induced autoimmune nerve condition.

More research is needed in this area, but if you suffer from inflammation, eating more foods with capsaicin or taking capsaicin supplements may be helpful for your condition.

Cholesterol Levels. The capsaicin in hot paprika may also be beneficial for improving blood cholesterol by raising the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. In a two-week study published in the December 2009 issue of The British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that rats fed diets with paprika and capsanthin experienced significant increases in HDL levels when compared with rats on the control diet.

Carotenoids, as found in paprika, have also been found to help lower levels of total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. High total cholesterol and LDL levels have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Adding paprika to your diet on a regular basis may help to improve cholesterol levels.

Possible Anticancer Effects. Some of the compounds in paprika, including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin have been shown to fight oxidative stress which is believed to increase our risk for certain cancers. In a study involving almost 2,000 women, published in January 2005 in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that those with the highest blood levels of beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and total carotenoids were 25 to 35% less likely to develop breast cancer. Capsaicin may also inhibit cancer cell growth and survival by influencing the expression of several genes. More research in this area is needed, but regularly including paprika in your recipes or sprinkling it on foods on your plate will help to increase your intake of these important compounds and thereby may help to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Blood Sugar Control. Capsaicin appears to influence genes involved in blood sugar control and also inhibit enzymes that break down sugar in the body. It may also improve insulin sensitivity. In the April 2016 issue of Clinical Nutrition, researchers reported a 4-week study involving 42 pregnant diabetic women. Those who took a 5 mg capsaicin supplement daily experienced a significant decrease in post-meal blood sugar levels, as compared with the control group. In another study reported in the July 2006 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers studied 36 adults for 4 weeks. Those who included capsaicin-containing chili peppers experienced significantly lower blood insulin levels after meals than those in the chili-free control diet group. Lower insulin levels usually indicate better blood sugar control. Even though they were not specifically studying paprika, the researchers were studying a common compound, capsaicin, found in both paprika and chili peppers. Sprinkling hot paprika on your foods on a regular basis may help to control blood sugar levels.

Healthy Blood. Two nutrients that are important for healthy blood are iron and Vitamin E. Paprika is rich in both of them. It’s well established that iron is a critical part of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that helps to carry oxygen throughout the body. Vitamin E is used to create healthy membranes for cells. A deficiency in either of those nutrients may lower your red blood cell count, which can cause anemia associated with fatigue, pale skin, and shortness of breath. Sprinkling paprika on foods when possible may help to protect you from iron-deficiency anemia.

How to Select Paprika
Which paprika you select depends on your preferred flavor and also the dish or food that you intend to use it on. Although all varieties of paprika are all made from dried peppers, the main types of paprika have different flavor profiles. If you prefer or need a mild, relatively sweet flavor for your intended use, then sweet paprika would be the one to buy. If you prefer or need a smoky flavor, then smoked paprika is called for. If you need or want a hot and spicy flavored paprika, then opt for hot paprika. No matter which you opt for, they will all be in the dried form and should be found in the spice section of your local grocery store.

How to Store Paprika
Paprika will generally have a long shelf-life when it is kept dry and cool, away from heat, light, and air. As long as you adhere to those conditions, it should keep for 2 or 3 years. It may not “go bad” but the flavor will diminish over time. Some suggest it be kept in the refrigerator, which may help to deter the loss of flavor and thereby prolong the shelf-life.  Either way, a tightly sealed container is important for keeping it away from moisture and air. To keep paprika at its peak flavor and condition, replace your supply every 6 months.

Quick Ideas and Tips for Using Paprika
* Sprinkle paprika on roasted potatoes.

* Season grilled chicken with paprika and a little salt and pepper.

* Add paprika to hummus.

* Combine paprika with other spices in a dry rub blend for grilled meats.

* Add paprika to a marinade.

* Add paprika to batter for frying chicken.

* Use paprika as a garnish for deviled eggs or potato salad.

* If possible, add paprika toward the middle to end of cooking time, unless a recipe specifies otherwise. This will help you to get the most flavor from your paprika, since prolonged heat can diminish the flavor.

* To get good flavor from your paprika, heat it in a moist environment. It tends to burn easily, so if you add it to something oil-based, don’t wait long before taking it off the stove or adding something water-based to the pan.

* Paprika is made with different varieties of peppers and is sometimes treated, such as being smoked. Varieties include: (1) sweet Hungarian paprika, which is mild and somewhat sweet, (2) hot Hungarian paprika, which is a bit pungent with a somewhat complex flavor, and (3) smoked paprika, also known as Spanish paprika, which may be mild or hot, and has a smoky flavor.

* If you need paprika for a recipe and don’t have enough, possible substitutes include ancho chile pepper powder, a pinch of cayenne pepper (which would be much hotter than paprika), a pinch of ground chipotle powder (which would add smokiness and heat), or chili powder (which would be slightly more pungent and add the flavors of cumin, oregano, and other spices).


Herbs and Spices That Go Well with Paprika (Regular or Smoked)
Cayenne, chili powder, cilantro, coriander, cumin, oregano, pepper, salt, turmeric

Foods That Go Well with Paprika (Regular or Smoked)
Proteins, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds: Almonds, beans (in general, esp. black beans, chickpeas), beef, black-eye peas, chicken, eggs, lamb, lentils, nuts (in general), pecans, pork, sausage, seafood, split peas, tahini

Vegetables: Bell peppers, carrots, chiles, eggplant, garlic, greens (bitter, i.e., collards), kale, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, potatoes, rutabagas, sauerkraut, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables (in general)

Fruits: Avocados, lemons, limes, oranges

Grains and Grain Products: Corn, rice, seitan

Dairy and Non-Dairy Products: Cheese (in general), sour cream, yogurt

Other Foods: Oil (esp. olive), stock, vinegar (i.e., balsamic, sherry)

Paprika (regular or smoked) has been used in the following cuisines and dishes…
Casseroles, chili, deviled eggs, Eastern European cuisine (esp. Hungarian), egg dishes (i.e., hard-boiled, omelets, scrambled), goulash, hummus, marinades, paella, pasta dishes, purees, salad dressings, salads (i.e., macaroni, pasta), sauces (i.e., cream, tomato), soups, Southwestern (U.S.) cuisine, Spanish cuisine (esp. smoked paprika), spreads, stews, stroganoff (i.e., mushroom), tempeh bacon, Texas cuisine

Suggested Food and Flavor Combos Using Paprika
Add paprika to any of the following combinations…

Garlic + Olive Oil + Seitan
Mushrooms + Sour Cream

Recipe Links
Tomato Sauce with Roasted Garlic and Paprika Recipe

Cajun Spice Mix

BBQ Spice Rub

Oven-Baked Potato Slices

Taco Bell Seasoning Copycat

Copycat Lawry’s Seasoned Salt

Hungarian Mushroom Soup

Quick and Crispy Home Fries

Smoky Vegetarian Collard Greens

Air Fryer Pumpkin Seeds

Beef and Prime Rib Rub

Homemade Portuguese Chicken

Blackened Salmon Fillets



Joachim, David. (2010) The Food Substitutions Bible. 2nd Edition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Robert Rose, Inc.

Page, Karen. (2014) The Vegetarian Flavor Bible. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds 101 – The Basics

Sunflower Seeds 101 – The Basics

About Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are the seeds of the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus). There are several types of sunflower plants, with the linoleic variety being the most common. The variety most often sold as sunflower seeds for eating may also be called confectionery sunflower seeds. The average sunflower plant produces 1,000 to 2,000 seeds.

Sunflower seeds are commonly eaten as a snack, but can also be used as a garnish or an ingredient in assorted recipes. They are sometimes added to breads or other baked goods. The seeds may also be sprouted and eaten in salads. Sunflower seed butter is also available in many markets along with peanut butter. Sunflower seeds may also be used as a food for pets and wild birds. They are sometimes used as a substitute for those with nut allergies. The seeds are sold as in-shell seeds or dehulled kernels. They may be sold raw or roasted, salted or with another flavoring added. The seeds themselves have a mild, nutty flavor with a firm yet tender texture. Roasting enhances the flavor.

Sunflowers grow in temperate areas around the world. Because of their relatively deep root system, sunflowers are a hardy crop that is drought resistant and does well in arid areas. People have enjoyed sunflower seeds for thousands of years, with the earliest reference to them being eaten by Native Americans, dating back to 1,000 BC. They were first grown commercially in Mexico and the southern United States. In the 16th century, sunflower seeds were transported to Europe where they have since become a major crop. Today, the top sunflower growing countries are Ukraine, Russia, Argentina, China, and Romania. Sunflowers are grown in the United States (mostly in North and South Dakota), but ranks tenth in production globally. In 2017, 105.5 billion pounds of sunflower seeds were produced within 72 different countries. Almost half of those came from Ukraine and Russia.

Nutrition and Health Benefits
Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of Vitamin E, and selenium, and a good source of copper. They also contain a lot of protein, fiber, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, Vitamin B1, phosphorus, manganese, Vitamin B6, magnesium, folate, and niacin.

Antioxidant Protection. Sunflower seeds are especially high in Vitamin E and selenium. These important nutrients function as antioxidants that help protect the body from harmful free radicals that play a role in the development of some chronic diseases. The seeds are also a good source of phenolic acids and flavonoids, which are beneficial plant compounds that also function as antioxidants. When sunflower seeds are sprouted, these compounds increase, which makes them even more healthful to eat. Sprouting also reduces some factors that can hinder mineral absorption. Sprouted sunflower seeds may be purchased in some stores, but are very easy to sprout at home.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits. Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for many serious diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer. C-reactive protein is a blood marker that is used to determine a person’s risk of such conditions. In a study involving 6,000 adults reported in the 2006 American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that those who ate sunflower and other seeds at least five times a week had 32% lower levels of C-reactive protein when compared to people who ate no seeds. It is known that sunflower seeds are abundant in Vitamin E, and that vitamin is known to help lower C-reactive protein levels. Also, the flavonoids and other compounds found in sunflower seeds can also help to reduce inflammation. So, eating a small handful of sunflower seeds on most days may be able to help reduce chronic inflammation.

Reduced Blood Pressure and Risk of Heart Disease. Chronic hypertension can lead to heart disease, causing a heart attack or stroke. Sunflower seeds contain a compound that blocks an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict. This may help blood vessels to relax, thus lowering blood pressure. They also contain magnesium which is also known to help reduce blood pressure levels.

Sunflower seeds are also rich in linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid that the body uses to make a hormone-like compound that relaxes blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. Linoleic acid is also known to help lower blood cholesterol.

In a 3-week study reported in the December 2012 issue of the journal ISRN Nutrition, women with Type 2 diabetes who ate 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds or almonds a day (along with a healthy diet) had a 5% drop in systolic blood pressure. The subjects also experienced a 9% drop in LDL cholesterol and a 12% drop in triglycerides. This would help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

In the October 2014 issue of the journal Circulation, researchers reviewed 13 studies and found that those with the highest linoleic acid intake had a 15% lower risk of heart disease episodes, such as a heart attack. Individuals also experienced a 21% lower risk of dying of heart disease, when compared to those with the lowest intake of linoleic acid. Since sunflower seeds are high in this type of polyunsaturated fat, ingesting modest amounts of them on a regular basis may help to prevent complications leading to heart disease.

Sunflower seeds also contain no cholesterol and are very low in saturated fats, making them a healthful food for the cardiovascular system.

Diabetes. Studies suggest that those who eat 1 ounce of sunflower seeds a day, as part of a healthy diet, may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, when compared with those who ate a healthy diet without the seeds. Researchers speculate the blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may be partially due to their compound chlorogenic acid. The researchers concluded that more research in this area is needed, but the results look promising.

Immune System Booster. Sunflower seeds are high in selenium, magnesium, zinc, and iron which helps to strengthen the blood and immune system, helping us to fight off viruses.

Help for Expectant Mothers. For women who are planning to have children or are already pregnant, sunflower seeds have a lot to offer. Their high levels of zinc, folate, and Vitamin E make them valuable foods to include in the diet. According to the American Pregnancy Association, Vitamin E is essential for prenatal health because it helps the fetus develop and use red blood cells and muscles. It also supports and nourishes the skin of both the mother and her growing baby. Folate supports the placenta and helps prevent spina bifida, a serious neural tube defect that can happen when the expectant mother’s diet is deficient in this vital nutrient. Also, zinc is important for producing insulin and enzymes.

How to Select Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are sold in a variety of ways, both shelled and unshelled. They may be raw or roasted, processed with or without salt, or flavored in a variety of other ways. Whichever flavor you choose will depend on your personal preferences and intended use for the seeds.

When purchasing plain (unflavored) sunflower seeds in the shells, look for ones with shells that are firm and intact. When purchasing shelled (plain, raw) seeds be sure to look for the “Best by” or “Expiration” date and select a package with the date farthest into the future. This will ensure you get the freshest seeds available. Shelled raw sunflower seeds can go rancid in time because their oils will spoil when exposed to air. Be sure their packaging is sealed with as much air as possible having been removed from the container.

How to Store Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds in their original, unopened container can be kept at room temperature up to or shortly after their “Best by” date stamped on the package. The date stamped on the packaging is only an estimate of their shelf life. Environmental conditions, like light and heat can affect how long seeds will last, especially when kept at room temperature. Once opened, they should be placed in the refrigerator. For longest life, store them in the freezer, whether the package has been opened or not.

If the seeds are still in their shells, they should keep longer than shelled seeds. This is because the shells help to protect the seeds from oxygen, which is what causes their oils to go rancid. Light, heat, and moisture may also cause the seeds to spoil.

Roasting reduces the shelf-life of sunflower seeds by about half. So, if you prefer to buy roasted sunflower seeds (or even roast them yourself), be sure to store them in the refrigerator or freezer to extend their lifespan.

Stale vs Expired Sunflower Seeds
If your seeds are not rancid, but have become stale, they can still be eaten. They can be refreshed by briefly toasting them on the stove or in the oven.

Like all other seeds, sunflower seeds won’t last forever. When stored long enough, the fats in them will spoil or go rancid. At that point they should be discarded. You can tell that they are rancid when they taste bitter or sour, reminding you of rancid olive oil. The seeds may develop an “off” aroma, reminding you of putty, or nail polish remover. However, the change in aroma may not always be so obvious. If you are not quite sure that your seeds are old, but sense that something isn’t quite right with them, it’s time to toss them out. When in doubt, throw them out!

Portion Control
Sunflower seeds are highly nutritious, but they are also high in calories because of their fat content. A one-fourth cup serving of dry roasted salt-free sunflower seeds has 207 calories. Because they are delicious and easy to ingest, it’s very easy to eat more than this small amount at one time. But, it is important to limit your serving size to no more than one-fourth cup to help control calorie and fat intake. This is especially important for those who are on a reduced fat diet or those monitoring their calorie intake to control weight. To help prevent overeating sunflower seeds, many people buy them still in their shell. Having to shell them as you enjoy them slows down the eating process preventing one from eating a large amount in a short time. Many times, the shells are coated in salt. If you are monitoring your sodium intake, be sure to choose unsalted sunflower seeds, even those in their shells. Another way to help control your portion is to measure the amount you want to eat and place them in a bowl. Put the rest away so they are not easily accessible. Go to where you want to enjoy your seeds, away from the supply container. When you finish your allotment, it will be easier to stop eating them, than if you were going from “bag to mouth.” It takes far more personal discipline to stop eating when there is a lot of anything in front of you than if there is a measured portion with the rest having been put away.

Quick Ideas and Tips for Using Sunflower Seeds
* Add sunflower seeds to your favorite tuna, chicken, or turkey salad.

* Sprinkle green salads with sunflower seeds.

* Add sunflower seeds to scrambled eggs or an omelet.

* Use finely ground sunflower seeds as a breading in place of (or with) flour. This can be used on meats, fish, poultry, and vegetables.

* Sprinkle sunflower seeds on cold or hot cereals, such as oatmeal.

* Add sunflower seeds to homemade trail mix.

* Add sunflower seeds to homemade granola bars.

* Sprinkle fruit or yogurt parfaits with sunflower seeds.

* Add sunflower seeds to stir-fries.

* Sprinkle sunflower seeds over sautéed vegetables for some added crunch and flavor.

* Add them to veggie burgers for flavor and added nutrients.

* Sprinkle sunflower seeds on top of casseroles.

* Add them to baked goods like quick breads and muffins.

* Make sunflower seed butter and use as a dip or topping for apples, banana slices, celery, bell pepper, and carrot sticks, nut butter sandwiches, and toast.

* Add ground sunflower seeds to smoothies.

* Sunflower seeds can be used in pesto in place of pine nuts.

* Sprinkle sunflower seeds as a garnish on creamy soups, such as cream of potato, broccoli, or tomato soup.

* Sprinkle some sunflower seeds on tacos for a little extra crunch.

* Make a pie crust with sunflower seeds. Here’s a link to one version online…

* Sprinkle some sunflower seeds on yogurt or ice cream.

* Stuff a pita bread with some salad and sunflower seeds for crunch, flavor and added nutrition.

* Top your favorite pasta dish with some sunflower seeds.

* Add sunflower seeds into your favorite cookie dough.

* Add sunflower seeds to your favorite quiche.

* Just so you know…do not eat the shells of sunflower seeds. They are tough and fibrous, and the human digestive system cannot break them down. Accidentally swallowing a small piece should be OK, but eating at lot of them could cause a serious blockage in the gastrointestinal tract.

* Add sunflower seeds to stuffed peppers.

* Add sunflower seeds to your favorite bean or legume salad.

* Add sunflower seeds to a veggie pizza.

* Add sunflower seeds to a cabbage slaw.

* Top your favorite fruit salad with some sunflower seeds.

* Top cooked winter squash, such as butternut squash with caramelized sunflower seeds. To caramelize the seeds, heat some seeds (such as 1/3 cup) in a nonstick skillet on medium-high heat for about 3 minutes. Stir them constantly so they don’t burn. Stir in a little brown sugar (such as 2 tablespoons). Stir constantly until the sugar is melted and the sunflower seeds are coated evenly. Remove from the pan and top your cooked squash with the hot seeds. Or remove the seeds from the pan and allow them to cool to be enjoyed as a snack or to be used later.

Herbs and Spices That Go Well with Sunflower Seeds
Basil, chili pepper, chili powder, cilantro, cinnamon, dill, garlic, mint, Old Bay Seasoning mix, parsley

Foods That Go Well with Sunflower Seeds
Proteins, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds: Almonds, beans (green), beef, black beans, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, hazelnuts, kidney beans, lentils, nuts (in general), seeds (other, i.e., flax, pumpkin), tofu (esp. silken), tuna

Vegetables: Arugula, beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, chives, fennel, leeks, greens (salad), mushrooms, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes

Fruits: Apples, apricots, cherries (esp. dried), coconut, cranberries (dried), dates, fruit (in general), lemon, mango, peaches, raisins, watermelon

Grains and Grain Products: Kasha, millet, oats, pasta, quinoa, rice, wheat berries

Dairy and Non-Dairy: Cheese (in general), milk, Parmesan cheese, sour cream, yogurt

Other Foods: Agave nectar, brown sugar, caramel, honey, maple syrup, molasses, mustard, nutritional yeast, tamari, vinegar (esp. balsamic)

Sunflower seeds have been used in the following cuisines and dishes…
Baked goods (i.e., breads, cookies, muffins, pie crusts), casseroles, cereals (i.e., hot breakfast), desserts, granola, muesli, pancakes, pastas, pâtés, risottos, salads, soups, Southwestern (U.S.) cuisine, spreads, stuffings, trail bars and mixes, veggie burgers

Suggested Food and Flavor Combos Using Sunflower Seeds
Add sunflower seeds to any of the following combinations…

Basil + Garlic + Olive Oil + Pasta
Flaxseeds + Millet
Lentils + Onions in Pâtés
Quinoa + Raisins

Recipe Links
Herby Pesto with Sunflower Seeds

Shaved Squash Salad with Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds Pesto

Cinnamon Vanilla Sunflower Butter

Roasted Pumpkin Salad Recipe

Lentil Carrot Avocado Salad

Pomegranate Sunflower Seeds Salad

Maple Sunflower Seeds Granola

Old Bay Sunflower Seeds

Multigrain Pilaf with Sunflower Seeds

Maple Roast Sunflower Seeds

Spicy Roasted Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds

Arugula Salad with Grapes and Sunflower Seeds

Massaged Broccoli Rabe Salad with Sunflower Seeds and Cranberries

Berry Spinach Salad with Spicy Maple Sunflower Seeds

Simple Arugula Salad with Sunflower Seeds and Parmesan

Nut-Free Vegan Pie Crust (Allergy-Friendly)


Joachim, David. (2010) The Food Substitutions Bible. 2nd Edition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Robert Rose, Inc.

Page, Karen. (2014) The Vegetarian Flavor Bible. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.


Reducing Salt Intake

Reducing Salt Intake

The words “salt” and “sodium” are often used interchangeably, which leads to confusion with some people. They are not the same thing. “Salt,” also called table salt, is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is 40% sodium and 60% chloride. One teaspoon of table salt contains about 2,400 mg of sodium. Sodium is a chemical element that we need in small amounts for normal muscle and nerve functions, for helping to keep our body fluids in balance, and more. Many foods in their natural state contain small amounts of sodium.

We all need a little sodium from our foods. In the body, sodium aids in the conduction of nerve impulses, contraction and relaxation of muscles, blood clotting, maintaining a normal heart rhythm, and maintaining the proper balance of water and minerals in our body fluids, both inside and outside of cells. It is estimated that we need about 500 mg of sodium each day for these vital functions. We can easily get that amount from fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, grains, nuts, meats, and seafood in their natural state without adding any salt to our foods.

Sources of Excess Salt in the Diet
The problem comes about when we add salt (sodium chloride) to our foods. This added salt can come from the salt shaker at the table, sauces added to flavor foods, seasonings added while food is cooking, boxed foods with prepackaged seasonings, processed meats and assorted foods with flavorings already added, eggs, soups (especially canned soups), breads, sandwiches, snack foods (such as chips, pretzels, popcorn, snack mixes, and crackers), dairy products (especially cheese), pizza, canned foods, and even commercial beverages.

It is very easy to overdo when using the salt shaker, especially since salt enhances the flavor of foods. Our taste buds quickly adjust to the enhanced flavors so that we expect it any time we eat those same foods. If we’re not careful, over time we can find ourselves slowly increasing the amount of salt that we add to foods because our acquired taste for it can increase our demand for salt. This makes table salt somewhat addictive.

Furthermore, many people rely on processed foods for most of their meals. Such foods have a lot of salt already added to them, not only for flavor, but also as a binder, stabilizer, and a preservative. Bacteria cannot survive in a high salt environment. The high level of salt in processed foods also acts as an addictive agent, often bringing us to crave more of those foods. So we often eat them regularly, much to the delight of the food manufacturers. Hence, most processed foods are high in salt for a number of reasons. Most Americans eat at least 1-1/2 teaspoons of salt a day, which comes to about 3,400 mg of sodium. This amount is way more than our bodies need, and can often lead to health concerns.

Different types of salt contain varying amounts of sodium per teaspoon, with fine Kosher salt and black salt having the least amount. According to, one-fourth teaspoon of generic table salt contains 589.5 mg of sodium, or 39% of the recommended maximum amount of sodium. This mere amount of table salt still contains more than we really need metabolically. AND that doesn’t account for the sodium we get from foods in their natural state. People who use any salt at all will most likely consume more than that one-fourth teaspoon in any one day. Hence, for the sake of our health, we should make a conscious effort to try to bring our salt intake down.

Symptoms of Too Much Salt in the Diet
Signs that we have eaten too much salt can occur quickly after a meal, like increased thirst. This is a sign of dehydration, with the body signaling us to drink more fluids. Other symptoms of having eaten too much salt include swollen feet or hands, headache (in some cases), and a rise in blood pressure. These symptoms may or may not be prolonged since the kidneys are always working to balance the sodium and fluid levels in the body. However, if you continually overeat salt, the kidneys may not be able to eliminate all the excess sodium and it may start to build up in the body. This leads to the serious health risks associated with too much salt intake.

Health Risks Associated with a High Sodium Diet
Too much sodium in the diet can lead to a variety of serious health conditions. Here are some examples.

Hypertension, Heart Disease and Stroke. When we consume too much sodium (whether it’s from salt added at the table or in cooking, from restaurant foods, or from processed foods), the kidneys are forced to work very hard to keep the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes in the blood. They will retain water to dilute the excess sodium in the blood. This increases the amount of extracellular fluid and the volume of blood in the bloodstream. The increased blood volume forces the heart to work harder and increases pressure on the blood vessels. Over time, this extra work and pressure can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, and even stroke, eventually leading to heart failure.

Kidney Disease and Kidney Stones. Besides being a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure is also a risk factor for kidney disease. With prolonged high sodium intake and increased blood pressure, the kidneys gradually lose their ability to excrete excess sodium. A study reported in the October 2014 issue of the American Journal of Hypertension found that patients with chronic kidney disease who had intakes of sodium greater than 4,600 mg a day experienced progression of their disease.

Many scientific studies have shown that there is a relationship between a high salt intake and increased calcium excretion through the kidneys. The amount of calcium that your body loses through the urine increases with the amount of salt you eat. The blood level of calcium needs to remain relatively constant. So, when the kidneys call for more calcium because of a high salt intake, calcium is leached from the bones to meet the need at the moment and keep the blood calcium level stable. This can be a contributing factor in the development of weakened bones at any age. Calcium is a major component of kidney stones and such stones are more likely to form when the kidneys are forced to process increased calcium due to increased salt intake. Limiting salt intake has been shown to reduce the formation of kidney stones, while also reducing the excretion of calcium through the urine, thus causing less leaching of calcium from bones. Therefore, to help reduce your risk of developing kidney disease, weakened bones, and kidney stones, it is important to keep your salt intake as low as possible. Focusing on unprocessed, unsalted foods can be valuable in this endeavor.

Calcium, Sodium, and Bone Loss. The body must maintain a stable amount of calcium in the blood for muscle contraction, proper functioning of many enzymes, blood clotting, and maintaining a normal heart rhythm. Our bones serve as a source of calcium reserves and we withdraw from our reserves as needed to maintain a stable blood calcium level. If we do not get enough calcium from our foods, calcium is released from the bones to maintain blood levels of this critical mineral. This, in turn, can weaken bones if a low blood calcium level occurs recurrently, or over a prolonged period of time. To maintain a normal level of calcium in blood without weakening bones, we should consume at least 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium a day.

When we eat a lot of salt, the more calcium will be excreted in the urine. In a study reported in the August 2014 issue of the Journal of Bone Metabolism, 86 Korean postmenopausal women were evaluated for their sodium and calcium intake vs excretion. The rate of osteoporosis among Korean women over age 50 is substantially higher than the rate among American women in that same age group. The subjects consumed an average of 3,466 mg of sodium and 813 mg of calcium daily. Researchers found there was a positive association between sodium and calcium intake and their excretion of those same elements after a 24-hour period. This means the more sodium they took in, the more sodium and calcium they excreted. The women were found to be at an increased risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis due to their high sodium intake. The researchers concluded that excessive sodium intake assessed by 24-hour urine specimen is associated with high calcium excretion in urine. High calcium excretion is also related to increasing bone resorption marker (which indicates that bone is being broken down).

Stomach Cancer. People have used salt as a means of preserving food for about 5,000 years. In recent times, technologies in food preservation have been developed that call for far less salt. Nevertheless, excessive dietary salt remains a common practice, despite recommendations to reduce our sodium intake. Gastric cancer is found around the world and dietary factors, including salt intake, are considered to be causative. In a 2014 issue of the journal Cancer Treatment and Research, researchers examined a number of published studies and found that salt intake along with a stomach bacterial infection of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) played a role in the development of gastric cancer. A comprehensive meta-analysis of long-term studies found a strong effect of total salt intake and salt-rich foods on the risk of gastric cancer in the general population. Researchers found evidence that supports the possibility of a substantial reduction in cancer with reduced salt intake.

H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can infect the stomach. This often happens during childhood and we usually have no idea that we are infected with the bacteria. It is a common cause of stomach (peptic) ulcers. Researchers estimate that more than half the people in the world may be infected with H. pylori. Most people are not aware they are infected unless they start developing symptoms of a peptic ulcer (a sore on the lining of the stomach) or a duodenal ulcer (an ulcer in the first part of the small intestine). Such symptoms include: an ache or burning pain in the stomach, stomach pain that is worse when the stomach is empty, nausea, loss of appetite, frequent burping, bloating, and unexplained weight loss.

In a study published in the May 14, 2009 issue of the World Journal of Gastroenterology, researchers reviewed the results from studies on the relationship between salt or salted food intake and stomach cancer risk. Most studies indicated that the average salt intake in each population group was closely correlated with deaths from gastric cancer. They found a moderate direct relationship between higher salt or salted food consumption and gastric cancer risk. Furthermore, salt intake was correlated with infection of the bacteria H. pylori. They speculated there was a possible relationship between the bacterial infection and high salt intake leading to gastric cancer. They concluded that limiting salt and salted food intake was a practical strategy for preventing gastric cancer. This includes reducing your intake of foods preserved by salting, such as salted fish and meats, and pickled vegetables.

In recent years, stomach cancer has declined in the United States, while it is much more common in some other parts of the world, such as East Asia. Stomach cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. It is believed that the rates have declined in the United States because there has been a decrease in the number of people infected with the H. pylori bacteria.

To lower your risk of developing stomach cancer, in addition to reducing your salt and salty food intake, eat more fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits) and raw vegetables. Such foods appear to reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

Dietary Sodium Recommendations

Americans consume an average of over 3,400 mg of sodium each day. That’s roughly equivalent to 1-1/2 teaspoons of salt. While the American Heart Association recommends we consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day (1 teaspoon of salt), ideally we should consume no more than 1,500 mg of sodium a day (a little less than 2/3 of a teaspoon of salt). This is still more sodium than the body actually needs. When we purchase already prepared foods, salted or brined foods, or those that were prepackaged by food manufacturers, it is impossible to tell how much salt or sodium is in the food unless there is a nutrition label we can examine. Food manufacturers know that Americans love their salty foods, so they don’t hold back when using salt in the preparation of their foods, unless the food is labeled as being low in sodium. Even then it may contain more sodium than if you prepared a similar food yourself at home. This is why reducing your intake of already prepared foods and making your own meals with fresh foods can be so monumental in reducing your sodium intake. The body only needs about 500 mg (or less) of sodium a day. Eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and unsalted whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and peas can provide that amount without any added salt.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume no more than 5 grams of salt (just under 1 teaspoon) per day. This amount of salt provides 1,938 mg of sodium (almost four times what the body actually needs). This is the maximum amount recommended by the WHO. We can actually get by with no added salt whatsoever, or eating little to no processed foods with added salt in them.

To help in determining how much sodium you are ingesting, the following information was provided online by the Ashchi Heart and Vascular Center located in Jacksonville, Florida.

Here are the approximate amounts of sodium in a given amount of table salt:

* 1/4 teaspoon salt = 575 mg sodium

* 1/2 teaspoon salt = 1,150 mg sodium

* 3/4 teaspoon salt = 1,725 mg sodium

* 1 teaspoon salt = 2,300 mg sodium

Here are some terms that may be helpful when examining food labels:

* Salt/Sodium-Free: Less than 5 mg of sodium per serving

* Very Low Sodium: 35 mg or less per serving

* Low Sodium: 140 mg or less per serving

* Reduced Sodium: At least 25 percent less sodium per serving than the usual sodium level

* Light in Sodium or Lightly Salted: At least 50 percent less sodium than the regular product

* No-Salt-Added or Unsalted: No salt was added during processing, but these products may not be salt/sodium-free unless stated

The Importance of Potassium
Potassium and sodium are both electrolytes that play an important role in maintaining fluid balance and blood volume. The body needs more potassium (roughly 2600 to 3400 mg per day for adults) than sodium (about 500 mg) to function normally, maintaining a healthy blood pressure and blood volume.

Unfortunately, the standard American diet is very imbalanced in these critical electrolytes, providing an overabundance of sodium with little potassium. For good health, it should be the other way around, with an overabundance of potassium with little sodium. Potassium is abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables, but it can also be found in some legumes, whole grains, meats, and milk products. Unfortunately, many Americans do not eat many fresh fruits and vegetables, while making processed and refined foods their mainstay. This leads to a big imbalance of potassium and sodium in the body, with far more sodium intake than potassium. This imbalance often leads to many of the chronic problems that plague modern society, including hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and increased risk of kidney disease and kidney stones, among others. Taking potassium supplements will not correct the problem because such supplements usually only contain up to 99 mg per tablet, and they may not be the correct form of potassium that the body actually needs. The most effective way to balance these two very important electrolytes is to include fresh fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed foods in your diet while minimizing your intake of refined and processed foods, restaurant fare, and table salt.

Tips and Ideas for Reducing Salt in the Diet

* Take the salt shaker off the table. If you find the food on your plate needs more flavor, try to add more herbs or spices that were used in preparation of that food, rather than salt.

* Celery naturally contains some sodium and has a somewhat salty flavor. Using celery in food preparation instead of salt can add some salty flavor without adding refined salt. Because it is not isolated and refined, the sodium in celery does not have the detrimental effects that refined salt does.

* Be aware of the amount of sodium you’re eating. Of course, we’re not going to have exact numbers, but examine your foods to be aware of where your sodium is coming from and roughly how much sodium you’re eating. If you eat a lot of processed foods, check the nutrition labels and make note of how much sodium is in one serving. Remember to add in the sodium from any salt you deliberately add to foods. Keep a tally during the day and check it out at the end of the day. The result may surprise you.

* Strive to eat more whole, fresh, unprocessed foods. Such foods will contain naturally occurring sodium in them. To get an idea of how much sodium they contain, use which is a free online diet tracking tool.

* If you opt to add salt to food while cooking or at the table, try to estimate how much you add and include that in your end of the day tally so you can track your sodium intake. Awareness is important. If you know where your sodium is coming from, you’ll know what to reduce.

* Strive to season foods without adding salt, or add as little salt as possible. Herbs, spices, lemon or lime juices, salt-free seasonings, onions, garlic, and ginger are excellent ways to bring flavor to foods without adding any salt.

* If you enjoy processed foods, try to reduce your portion size and complement the meal with added fresh or frozen foods without any added salt.

* Roughly 75 percent of the sodium Americans consume comes from processed, prepackaged, and restaurant foods, not from the salt shaker at the table. Cutting back on such foods and preparing your own meals will very likely reduce your sodium intake (unless you go wild with the salt shaker).

* Remember that salad dressings and condiments usually contain added salt. Check the labels and make note of how much sodium you’ve added to your foods through these items. Choose low sodium or no added salt versions when possible.

* Be careful not to trade your favorite salty snacks for ones that are loaded with added sugars and fats. They are no better for you and won’t help your health in any way.

* When shopping, choose canned goods with no added salt in them, or at least the low sodium variety, if possible.

* If you use soy sauce, be sure to shop for a low- or (preferably) no-sodium option.

* Try snacking on fresh fruit or vegetable sticks (like carrots, celery, bell peppers, or even cucumbers) rather than salty options like chips, pretzels, crackers, or popcorn.

* When making your own recipes, try adding celery in place of some of the salt. Celery has a somewhat salty flavor to it. Yes, it does contain sodium, but the sodium in celery is bound to an array of other minerals, making it a healthy addition to the diet. Replacing some salt with celery gives food a bit of a salty flavor while adding important minerals to the diet. Furthermore, the sodium from celery would be far less than an equivalent amount of flavor from added table salt.

* Beware of canned soups. They are usually very high in sodium. Choose lower sodium versions, when possible. If that’s not an option, reduce your serving size to cut the sodium per serving.

* Be aware that pizza is high in sodium. The dough itself, cheese, and added toppings such as pepperoni or sausage and all high in sodium. The sauce may even be high in sodium. So, even if you probably don’t add salt to your pizza, be aware that pizza in itself is usually very high in sodium. If you don’t want to give up pizza, try to eat less of it at one time. Add a large salad with a salt-free dressing to help balance it out and fill you up. Choose fresh fruit for dessert.

* When including nuts in your meals or snacks, choose salt-free varieties instead of salted versions.

* Be aware that restaurant foods (whether fast-food or dine-in) are usually high in salt. Try to limit your intake as much as possible or have smaller portions. When dining in, you could ask the server to request the chef add less salt (or even no salt) to the foods during preparation, if possible.

* Read labels! Even foods labeled as “reduced-sodium” may still contain a lot of sodium. They may have 25 percent less sodium than the full-seasoned version, but even the reduced selection may still be relatively high in sodium. Awareness is key!

* If you’re a meat, poultry, or seafood eater, choose fresh cuts rather than cured, salted, smoked, or versions that have been processed in any way. Such options are very high in sodium and will quickly take your sodium intake beyond any limits you set for yourself.

* When buying meats or poultry, check to see if it was injected with any type of saline or basting solution for flavor. Frozen turkeys have often been treated in this way, even if we’re not aware of it. Read the labels if you’re not sure. Such injected solutions may add a nice flavor to your foods, but a lot of that flavor comes from the added salt.

* Eat more fresh or frozen vegetables that were prepared without any sauces or flavorings. If needed, add your own seasonings at home.

* Choose rice and pasta in the dry forms when shopping and avoid those with added flavorings or seasonings. The added seasonings will usually be very high in sodium.

* Be aware that “instant” foods (such as sauces, mixed, or preseasoned foods) are often flavored with a lot of salt. If you choose such foods, be sure to read the labels so you are aware of their sodium content. If possible, choose low- or no-salt versions. If they are not available, try to use less of it at any one meal, to help reduce your sodium intake.

* Always taste the food on your plate first before adding salt to it. It’s easy to develop a habit of adding salt to food every time you sit down to a meal, without even taking your first bite. Give the chef some credit and taste your food first before reaching for the salt shaker.

* Remember that items like ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles, soy sauce, and mustard can be high in salt. Read the label to check what you have. Use less if needed to keep in line with your goals.

* When reducing salt intake, remember that it takes time to retrain the taste buds. Do whatever is right for you, but reducing it gradually may be easier than cutting it out all at once.

* Experiment with salt-free seasoning blends or adding more select herbs or spices to foods that you cook. Sometimes adding a little more of your non-salt seasonings to a dish can be enough to make it flavorful without adding salt.

* Try roasting vegetables to bring out their flavor. Season them with garlic, onions, and/or your favorite herbs and spices, while leaving salt off the list.

* When having a burger, try leaving off salty toppings like bacon, cheese, or barbeque sauce. Add lettuce and tomato, or have a side salad instead.

* Eggs themselves don’t have a huge amount of sodium, about 62 mg per egg. But, it’s rare to cook an egg just plain. We often add salt, cheese, bacon, sausage, ham, or milk (when scrambling). Those items all have their fair share of sodium in them. So, it’s wise to automatically think of eggs and egg dishes as being high in sodium. To help balance it out, add less of the salty ingredients mentioned, and more bell peppers, onions, or other items that you also enjoy in your omelets or with your eggs.

* When shopping for seasonings, avoid those with added salt, like celery salt or garlic salt. Choose dried celery flakes, garlic powder, or granulated garlic instead.

* Become familiar with food items that you enjoy that may be naturally high in sodium yet don’t taste salty. Examples include cottage cheese, hard cheeses, and other milk products.

* Assorted herbs and spices can be used instead of salt when we’re making our own foods. Different flavorings work well with different foods. It may take some experimentation to learn which flavorings and combinations of them are agreeable with you and your family, but it’s well worth the effort. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institute of Health has a .pdf document you can print out that includes a lot of suggestions. Here is the link to the document:

Examples of Commercial Salt-Free Spice Blends

Bragg Organic Sprinkle Seasoning.
Ingredients: Rosemary, minced onion, minced garlic, granulated onion, dehydrated garlic, thyme, dried red bell pepper, dried carrot, dried tomato, black pepper, basil, extra virgin olive oil, dried parsley, dried tarragon, dehydrated lemon peel, dehydrated orange peel, apple cider vinegar, celery seed, dill seed, oregano, savory, sage, ground ginger, coriander, bay leaf, turmeric

* It is suggested for sprinkling on veggies, salads, fish, tempeh, poultry, popcorn, and more.

* Pros: All ingredients are organic and non-GMO. It also contains no additives, fillers, gluten, or preservatives.

* Cons: This blend contains oil and vinegar, both ingredients that some people prefer to omit from their diets for specific health reasons.

Dash (used to be Mrs. Dash) Original Seasoning Blend. Ingredients: Dried onion, spices (black pepper, parsley, celery seed, basil, bay, marjoram, oregano, savory, thyme, mustard, cumin, rosemary, cayenne pepper, coriander), dried garlic, dried carrots, dried orange peel, dried tomato, lemon juice powder, citric acid, oil of lemon

* It is suggested for chicken, burgers, eggs, vegetables, rice/vegetable mixtures, sauces, soups, and salads.

* Pros: This is a brand that has been available for many years (under the original name of Mrs. Dash), so it should be found at most grocery stores. Also, it contains no MSG.

* Cons: The blend contains lemon juice powder, which may or may not be a concern for some people. Manufacturers are allowed to omit ingredients that are in very small amounts. If the same lemon juice powder was used in this blend that was included in the Watkin’s brand listed below, rice maltodextrin may be in this blend, even though it may be in a very small amount. That may or may not be a concern for some people. Also, this mixture contains citric acid, which is often made from GMO corn. This may be a concern for some people who are trying to omit citric acid (or any source of a GMO product) from their diet.

Kinder’s No Salt Seasoning, Garlic & Herb. Ingredients: Potassium chloride, dehydrated garlic, spices, cane sugar, dehydrated onion, mushroom powder, maltodextrin, citric acid, yeast extract, sunflower oil, paprika, lemon juice concentrate, natural flavor

* This blend is suggested for chicken, pork, and seafood.

* Pros: It is sold at Walmart, so this brand should be readily available to many people.

* Cons: This spice blend contains potassium chloride, which may cause health problems in some people. It does not contain a list of the specific spices that are in the blend. This may cause a problem for some people, especially if they are reactive to certain spices. A complete disclosure of the spices in the blend would also be helpful for allowing chefs to be able to judge what foods it would flavor appropriately. Another ingredient that wasn’t found in other seasoning blends that is in this mixture is cane sugar. Many people are opting to avoid added sugars in their diet, so this ingredient may be unwelcomed in many kitchens. Maltodextrin, citric acid, yeast extract, and natural flavor are other ingredients that many people are deliberately avoiding for assorted health reasons. Furthermore, the lemon juice concentrate may have unwanted hidden ingredients that were not disclosed. In terms of ingredients, this blend has many strikes against it.

Lawry’s Salt-Free 17 Seasoning. Ingredients: Spices (including black pepper, celery seed, turmeric), garlic, onion, carrot, citric acid, toasted sesame seed, orange peel, red bell pepper, corn starch, and lemon peel

*  It is suggested for use on pasta, seafood, poultry, and beef.

* Pros: Lawry’s is a brand that most grocery stores carry, so this blend should be readily accessible. Also, it contains no MSG or artificial flavors.

* Cons: From the wording on the label, “Spices (including…),” it appears that some of their spice ingredients may not have been disclosed. This may be a problem for some people who are reactive to specific spices. Also, it contains citric acid and corn starch, which are commonly made from GMO corn. If you are avoiding genetically modified foods, this product should not be used.

McCormick Salt-Free Vegetable Seasoning
. Ingredients: Onion, garlic, spices (Including black pepper, thyme, basil), red bell pepper, tomato, corn maltodextrin, modified corn starch, sunflower oil, vinegar, parsley, citric acid, natural flavor and extractives of turmeric

* It is suggested for use on vegetables, salads, chicken, fish, eggs, rice, pasta, and vegetable dips.

* Pros: It is gluten-free.

* Cons: From the wording on the label, “Spices (including…),” it appears that some of their spice ingredients may not have been disclosed. This may be a problem for some people who are reactive to specific spices. Note that this blend contains corn, oil, vinegar, citric acid, and natural flavor. These are ingredients that some people prefer to omit from their diets for specific health reasons. If you fall into this category, this blend would not be your best option.

Simply Organic Spice Right Everyday Blends All-Purpose Salt-Free. Ingredients: Onion, garlic, black pepper, tomato, bell pepper, carrot, orange peel, celery, sage, rice concentrate, cumin, thyme, oregano, rosemary

* It is suggested for use on salads, side dishes, main dishes, and more.

* For Clarification Purposes: The only (very slightly) questionable ingredient in this blend is the “rice concentrate” and it’s really a matter of terminology. Rice concentrate is the fiber and silica portion of the outer layer of rice. It may also be called “rice hull.” It does not contain any of the rice kernel itself. It is used as an anti-caking agent to replace the synthetic silicon dioxide that is often used for this purpose. It is considered to be a clean label, natural, organic ingredient.

* Pros: All ingredients are organic, vegan, non-GMO, and Kosher.

* Cons: None.

Watkins Organic All-Purpose Seasoning Salt-Free. Ingredients: Dehydrated onion*, organic spices (black pepper*, parsley*, celery seed*, basil*, bay leaf*, marjoram*, oregano*, savory*, thyme*, cayenne pepper*, coriander*, cumin*, mustard*, rosemary*), dehydrated garlic*, dehydrated carrot*, dehydrated orange peel*, dehydrated tomato*, lemon juice powder* (rice maltodextrin*, lemon juice concentrate*, lemon oil*), citric acid. *Certified organic ingredients

* It is suggested for use on chicken, beef, vegetables, salads, or any favorite dish.

* Pros: All (except one) ingredients are certified as being organic. The blend is non-GMO Project Verified and kosher.

* Cons: The blend contains rice maltodextrin, an additive made from processed rice starch. Although this ingredient is considered to be safe by the food industry, it may or may not be an issue for some people. Also, the blend contains (not organic) citric acid, which may be a problem for some people. Avoid this blend if either of these additives are problems for you.

Samples of Homemade Salt-Free Spice Blends

No Salt Cajun Seasoning
2 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp dried oregano
2 Tbsp dried thyme
2 Tbsp ground black pepper
¾ tsp cayenne pepper
2 Tbsp paprika
Makes about 10 tablespoons

Salt-Free All-Purpose Seasoning Mix
2 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
1 Tbsp mustard powder
2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 Tbsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
Makes about 5 tablespoons

Italian Seasoning
3 Tbsp dried oregano
1 Tbsp dried marjoram
2 Tbsp dried thyme
1 Tbsp dried basil
1 Tbsp dried sage
Makes 1/2 cup

Ranch Seasoning
2 Tbsp dried parsley
2 tsp dill weed
2 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp onion flakes
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp dried chives
1 tsp dried oregano
Pulse in a food processor until everything is combined. Makes about 7 tablespoons.

Curry Seasoning
3 Tbsp coriander
2 Tbsp cumin
2 Tbsp turmeric
1 tsp dried ground ginger
1 tsp dried mustard powder
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp red chili flakes
Combine well. Makes about 9 tablespoons.

Taco Seasoning
5 Tbsp chili powder
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
2 tsp paprika
3 Tbsp cumin
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Makes about 3/4 cup

Pumpkin Spice
4 Tbsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp dried ground ginger
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp nutmeg
Makes about 1/3 cup

Chili Seasoning Mix
½ cup chili powder
¼ cup garlic powder
¼ cup cumin
3 Tbsp onion powder
2 Tbsp dried oregano
2 Tbsp paprika
1 Tbsp dried thyme (optional)
Makes 1-1/2 cups of mix. One-fourth cup of mixture is equivalent to 1 packet of chili seasoning.

Herbs de Provence Mix
½ cup dried thyme
¼ cup dried marjoram
2 Tbsp rosemary leaf
2 Tbsp savory
1 tsp dried lavender flowers (optional)
2 tsp dried orange zest (optional)
1 tsp ground dried fennel
Lightly pulse the lavender flowers and orange zest in a food processor. Combine with the remaining ingredients. Makes about 1 cup.

Homemade Mrs. Dash
3 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp dried basil
1 Tbsp dried marjoram
1 Tbsp dried thyme
1 Tbsp dried parsley
1 Tbsp dried savory
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp dried sage
1 Tbsp ground black pepper
1 Tbsp dried lemon zest (optional)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
Makes about 3/4 cup

All-Purpose Seasoning
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1-1/2 tsp dried basil
1-1/2 tsp dried parsley
1-1/4 tsp dried savory
1-1/4 tsp ground thyme
1 tsp ground mace
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp dried sage
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
Makes about 4-1/2 tablespoons


Salt-Free Recipe Links

Ginger-Marinated Grilled Portobello Mushrooms

Roasted Potatoes with Garlic and Herbs

Tomato Basil Bruschetta

White Bean Dip

Fresh Fruit Kebabs


Rice and Beans Salad

Southwestern Vegan Bowl

Apple-Fennel Slaw

Salad Greens with Squash

Roasted Squash with Wild Rice and Cranberry

Chicken Stir-Fry with Eggplant, Basil, and Ginger

Mediterranean-Style Grilled Salmon

Nectarine Chicken Salad

Low Sodium Overnight Spiced Oatmeal with Cranberries

Low Sodium Chicken Noodle Soup

Low Sodium Spaghetti Sauce

Black Bean Chili



About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.

Dulse Flakes

Dulse 101 – The Basics

Dulse 101 – The Basics

About Dulse
Dulse, or Palmaria palmata, is a type of seaweed or sea vegetable. It has dark burgundy leaves (fronds) that grow about 20 inches long and 1 to 3 inches wide. The fronds are soft and leathery with a skin-like texture. The plant is a perennial that regrows new fronds each year. It grows in the North Atlantic Ocean region and is found on both the European and North American coasts. In North America, dulse is found as far north as Arctic Canada and as far south as Long Island, New York. In Europe, it is found off the northern coast of Norway, and as far south as Portugal. Dulse may also be found in the northern Pacific regions. There, it is known as Pacific dulse, or Devaleraea mollis. In different cultures, dulse may also be known as dillisk or dilsk (Ireland and Scotland), red dulse, sea lettuce, or söl (Iceland). Records show that dulse has been harvested as food for at least 1,400 years.

Dulse is often eaten fresh as a vegetable in areas local to where it is harvested. Otherwise, dulse is often sold dried, as large pieces of leaves or crumbled, as flakes. Dulse is known for its salty flavor, and may be used in place of soy sauce or salt when seasoning foods. Along with its saltiness, dulse has a deep umami, slightly smoky flavor. Some people fry the fresh leaves, making a crispy bacon-like substitute. It is sometimes referred to as “the bacon of the sea” or “vegan bacon.” The dried leaves are often used as toppings for salads, potatoes, and popcorn.

Nutrition and Health Benefits

Dulse is a low-calorie food, with one tablespoon of dried dulse flakes containing about 10 calories. It contains potassium, iron, magnesium, iodine, copper, manganese, sodium, and many more minerals, as well as Vitamins A, C, B6 and B12, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. It is exceptionally high in iodine, an essential nutrient for good thyroid function. Even though dulse has a somewhat salty flavor, it is not exceptionally high in sodium. A one tablespoon serving of dried dulse flakes contains 50 mg of sodium, which is 2% of the Daily Value.

Toxin and Heavy Metal Removal. According to Anthony William, the Medical Medium, Atlantic dulse is an excellent food for removing heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum, as well as toxins such as radiation, pesticides, and more, from the body. Dulse pulls toxins from deep, hidden places in the digestive tract, binds onto them, and carries them out of the body through the feces, without releasing any along the way. Atlantic dulse is a critical component of his Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.

Immune System and Thyroid Booster. According to Anthony William, the Medical Medium, the iodine in Atlantic dulse helps to boost the immune system. It also works with zinc in helping to stop a viral infection in the thyroid. This helps to reduce inflammation of the thyroid, helping it to function more efficiently. Dulse also helps to protect the thyroid from the effects of radiation. He suggests we consume two tablespoons of dulse daily to get its full benefits. Note that if you have thyroid issues, and especially if you take any type of medication for a thyroid disorder, please consult with your healthcare provider before including dulse into your diet. There may be limits on how much dulse you should consume based on its iodine content. Your thyroid medication may need to be adjusted when adding dulse to your diet.

Antimicrobial Properties. Years ago, traditional medical practices were to use a poultice of dulse applied to wounds to prevent infection. This practice is supported by modern science, which has shown that dulse has antibacterial properties.

Iron Content of Dulse. If you suffer from iron deficiency, including dulse in your diet on a regular basis can help to correct that problem. A one-fourth cup serving of dulse flakes provides 4 mg of iron (22% of the recommended Daily Value of iron). Since the iron is plant-based, including a Vitamin C-rich food (such as an orange) in the same meal as the dulse will boost the absorption and utilization of the iron found in dulse. Adding dulse to a dish that contains tomatoes (which contain Vitamin C) will also satisfy that need.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids. In a study published in the June 22, 2011 issue of the journal Lipids in Health and Disease, researchers found that dulse (Palmaria palmata) contained a high proportion of the omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Getting ample EPA in the diet helps to protect us from coronary heart disease, high blood fats (especially high triglycerides), high blood pressure and inflammation. Consuming dulse can help to keep our cardiovascular system healthy.

Bone Health. In Anthony William’s book “Medical Medium Life-changing Foods,” Atlantic Sea vegetables (which includes dulse) are “especially beneficial for the bones, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, and teeth…”. Dulse contains a wide array of minerals that can help to support the health of our skeletal system. This is especially important for growing children and women as they age and become more prone to osteoporosis.

Sodium Content of Dulse. Since dulse grows in the ocean, it naturally contains sodium. If you are on a sodium-restricted diet and you want to consume dulse, one option is to soak your dulse in advance to help remove some of the sodium. Another option is to limit the amount of dulse you consume so you can stay within your sodium limits.

Note of Caution. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use caution before adding a large amount of dulse to their diet because of its high mineral content. Please check with your healthcare provider before making substantial changes to your diet.

How to Select Dulse

Although dulse grows in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it is wise to opt only for dulse grown in the Atlantic. The Pacific Ocean has been greatly polluted with mankind’s trash. Hence, anything growing in that region will contain some degree of contaminants from the trash in the water. Dulse grown in the Atlantic Ocean will have far less contaminants and is considered to be a healthier option.


How to Store Dried Dulse
Store plain dried dulse in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. For extended storage, it may be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. Seasoned dried dulse often was made with oil in addition to seasonings. The oils can go rancid over time when kept at room temperature. Therefore, seasoned dried dulse should keep longer in the refrigerator and longest when kept frozen. It should be placed in an airtight freezer container for optimal storage. Use a rigid container when storing whole leaves to help prevent them from being crushed during storage.

Quick Ideas and Tips for Using Dried Dulse

* Add some dulse flakes to soups, stews, and casseroles for a salty, umami flavor.

* Add some dulse flakes to cooked beans for a hint of plant-based bacon flavor.

* Use dulse flakes as a flavorful garnish on eggs.

* Add some extra flavor and nutrients to avocado toast by sprinkling on a pinch of dulse flakes.

* Lightly sprinkle dried dulse flakes on a salad or any other food as a salt substitute.

* Some people will lightly pan-fry dulse leaves bringing out their bacon-like flavor and texture. Dulse cooked this way is sometimes added to boiled potatoes, turnips, or other vegetables. It may even be added to sandwiches for a meatless bacon-like flavor.

* Some people boil dried dulse leaves to soften them, then drink the broth to get the nutrients released during cooking.

* Dulse flakes may be sprinkled lightly on pizza before it is baked for added bacon-like flavor.

* If you want to reduce the saltiness of your dulse, rinse, then soak it for 20 to 30 minutes in water. Drain well, and use as desired.

* If a recipe calls for a sprinkle of dulse flakes and you don’t have any, you may substitute a sprinkle of sea salt. If you have them available, other types of sea vegetables may be used as a substitute for dulse. Examples include arame, wakame, hijiki, or kombu.

* If you want a salty, savory snack, you could simply snack on dried dulse leaves.

* Use dulse leaves to make a “DLT” sandwich. That’s dulse, lettuce, and tomato. Using dulse leaves will be much easier in this case than dulse flakes.

* Add dulse flakes to a smoothie for a savory, salty flavor and to help remove toxic heavy metals from the body.

Herbs and Spices That Go Well with Dulse
Capers, curry powder, dill, ginger, parsley

Foods That Go Well with Dulse
Proteins, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds: Beans, cashews, eggs, fish, peanuts and peanut butter, sesame seeds and paste, bean sprouts, tahini, tofu, walnuts

Vegetables: Cabbage (i.e., Chinese, napa, red), celery, greens (i.e., collards), mushrooms, onions, potatoes, scallions, spinach, sweet potatoes, vegetables (in general), watercress

Fruits: Apples, avocado, coconut, lemon (juice and zest)

Grains and Grain Products: Grains (in general), noodles, oats, pastas, popcorn, rice

Dairy and Non-Dairy Products: Butter

Other Foods: Miso, oil (i.e., olive, sesame)

Dulse has been used in the following cuisines and dishes…
Chili (esp. vegetarian), curry, dips, Irish cuisine, pasta dishes, pates, pizza, salads, sandwiches, Scottish cuisine, soups (esp. bean), stews, stir-fries, wraps

Suggested Food and Flavor Combos Using Dulse

Add dulse to any of the following combinations…

Basil + Sun-Dried Tomatoes + Walnuts

Dill + Lemon Zest + Parsley

Ginger + Sesame Oil

Lemon + Tahini

Lemon Juice and/or Zest + Walnuts

Sea Salt + Sesame Seeds

Recipe Links

Kale, Mushroom and Lentil Pilaf with Dulse

Ultimate Superfood Salad with Dulse Seaweed

Vegetarian Soba Noodles with Dulse

Detox Coriander Pesto with Dulse

Pea Soup with Dulse Seaweed

Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cashew Stir-Fry with Dulse

Stuffed Tomatoes with Dulse

Curried Lentil and Vegetable Soup with Dulse Seaweed

Gluten-Free Chocolate Dulse Cake

Dulse Smoothie with Berries and Irish Moss

Dulse Chips

DLT – Dulse, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich Recipe

Seaweed Popcorn Seasoning

Butternut Squash Soup with Smoked Kelp and Dulse

Roasted Mushroom, Feta, and Smoked Dulse Pasta Recipe


Joachim, David. (2010) The Food Substitutions Bible. 2nd Edition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Robert Rose, Inc.

Page, Karen. (2014) The Vegetarian Flavor Bible. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

William, Anthony. (2016) Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods. Carlsbad, California, USA: Hay House, Inc.

About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.

Dried Herbs and Spices

Using and Storing Dried Herbs and Spices

Using and Storing Dried Herbs and Spices

First, let’s distinguish the difference between herbs and spices. Herbs are the leafy part of plants. Spices are the dried seeds, bark, fruit, or ground roots of a plant. Such items are commonly used to add a wide array of flavors to foods of all sorts. Different cultures commonly use specific herbs or spices in their cuisine. Rarely will anyone use all the different herbs and spices that nature has to offer. Anyone who cooks at all will usually keep a specific supply of dried herbs and spices on hand so they are readily available whenever they are needed. We often keep them on the spice rack without thought of their age and if they should be replaced. We simply use them until they are gone, then get another bottle from the store when needed.

The problem with that is the fact that they do age over time and lose their flavor. If dampness got into the bottle, they may clump together and even spoil. This can happen if the bottles are opened and the contents are measured over a pot of boiling water or cooking food that is releasing steam. If we close that bottle up right away, the moisture is locked in and the herb or spice will soak it up, causing it to age, and possibly clump together or even spoil.

Most bottled herbs and spices will come with a “Best By” date stamped somewhere on the container, but we often don’t think to check the date to be sure our supply is still fresh. Or, maybe we grew the herb, dried it ourselves, and didn’t think to label the container with the harvest or packed date and also our own “Use By” date to ensure it is fresh.

So, it’s VERY easy to have an accumulation of outdated herbs and spices in our pantry and not give it any thought until we use them and discover they have not given any flavor to our food. Here are some tips to keep in mind to help you ensure your supply of herbs and spices are still flavorful.

Tips for Testing Freshness

  • Look at the color of your dried herb or spice. Is it still vibrant and colorful, or is it dull and faded? Old herbs and spices tend to lose their color over time. If the color has faded, the herb is probably old and the flavor has most likely dwindled.
  • Crush or rub some between your fingers then smell the herb or spice. Does it smell strong like it should? If the aroma is weak or musty, it is likely too old and will not lend much flavor when used in cooking. If it still smells good, but just not as strong as it should, you can still use it, but use more than the recipe calls for. Add some, let it cook for a little while, then taste the food. If it needs more flavor, add more of what you have available. When this is the case, it’s a good idea to write it down on your grocery list so it can be replaced soon.
  • Taste a small amount of the herb or spice. If there is no flavor or tastes stale, it’s old and not worth using because it will not give any flavor to your food.
  • Have you found that the herb or spice is clumpy? Chances are that moisture has made its way into the container and the flavor may be reduced or “off” some. Taste it to test its flavor. If it still tastes like it should, it’s still OK to use in your food.
  • This may sound obvious, but it’s important to replace the cap securely after using a dried herb or spice. Loose caps can allow air and moisture to enter the container, aging the contents reducing their shelf life. Also, a loose cap can lead to accidental spillage of the contents, sometimes directly into the pot of cooking food! That’s not a good moment and one that can easily be avoided by being sure the cap is securely placed on the jar or container before returning it to the storage area.

General Storage Life of Herbs and Spices

While dried herbs and spices usually don’t spoil, they do lose their strength over time. Here is a general guideline for their shelf life.

  • Whole spices and seeds should keep for 3 to 4 years.
  • Ground spices should keep for 2 to 3 years.
  • Dried leafy herbs should keep well for 1 to 3 years.
  • Dried seasoning blends usually keep well for 1 to 2 years.

Despite the above information, it is generally recommended that we replace dried herbs and spices every 6 months to 1 year. This is reasonable since we don’t know how long the bottled seasonings were on the store shelf before we purchased them. Unless we check the “Best By” date on the bottle, we have no idea how old they are. Replacing them on a regular basis helps to ensure that we’re adding fresh and flavorful seasonings to our food.

Storage Tips for Keeping Dried Herbs and Spices

In general, there are five factors that cause dried herbs and spices to age and lose their flavor. Those factors are: air (more precisely, oxygen), moisture, heat, light, and time. Keeping your dried flavorings away from these five factors can work together to help preserve your seasonings. The following tips can help.

  • Keep them in a cool, dry, dark location, away from heat. Many people store herbs and spices that they reach for regularly in a spice rack or cabinet above the stove. This is not the best idea because heat from the stove and steam from cooking food will rise and warm that storage area which can cause the seasonings to age faster than they should. It’s best to store them away from the stove or oven so they are not subjected to the heat and moisture released in that area.
  • If you purchase items in bulk, add some to a small bottle for easy use from your spice cabinet. The rest may be stored in its original package. Add an oxygen absorber to the original bag if you have them, and squeeze out as much air as possible, then seal the bag. If possible, place that bag in an airtight container with a tight-fitting lid and store that in a cool, dry, dark location away from sunlight and heat. Alternatively, you could store extra dried herbs in a glass mason jar with a sealable lid. Place an oxygen absorber in the jar and remove as much air as possible, and store it appropriately. Refill your small bottle as needed, while keeping your bulk supply cool, dry, and away from sunlight and oxygen, if possible.
  • Some resources suggest keeping spices from the red pepper family refrigerated to extend their freshness and flavor. Such spices include paprika, cayenne, and chili powder.
  • When you measure dried herbs and spices, be sure to use a dry spoon! Using a wet or even damp spoon will carry moisture into the container, potentially shortening the shelf life of your herb or spice. Again, don’t measure near or over a source of steam, such as the pot of cooking food you’re about to season.
  • When you buy new herbs and spices, be sure to rotate your flavorings accordingly, using the oldest ones first. It is helpful to label the bottles and packaging with the purchase date to help remind you which items are the oldest. If you grew your own herbs, it’s helpful to label their container with a harvest or packaging date after they were dried. It’s also helpful to label your containers with a discard date, which would serve as a reminder when they should be replaced for the best tasting flavorings possible.
  • If you grow your own herbs, be sure they are completely dry before storing them. This is essential for keeping them properly for the longest possible shelf life, without inviting mold or spoilage along the way. Test them by rubbing a little between your fingers. They should be lightly crispy. Also, if they feel somewhat cool to the touch, they most likely still contain some moisture and should be dried longer.
  • If you grew your own herbs, it is helpful to know that storing the dried leaves whole helps to preserve their essential oils, which is what provides their aroma and flavor. The oils are held in small cells within the leaves. When the leaves are crushed, those small cells are broken open, exposing them to air. The air causes the essential oils to exit the leaf, causing the aroma and flavor to dwindle faster than it would if the leaf was stored whole. Waiting to crush the leaves until they are needed helps to preserve their valuable oils.

Tips for Using Herbs and Spices

  • If possible, try growing herbs that you use most often. Growing them outdoors during the warmer months is a wonderful way to keep your own supply of fresh herbs. During the colder, winter months, try growing a pot of your favorite herb(s) indoors. There’s nothing better than being able to snip off some freshly grown herbs that you grew yourself!
  • Remember that the flavor of dried herbs is stronger and more concentrated than that of fresh herbs. The general rule of thumb when using a dried herb is to use one-third the amount of fresh herb that is called for in a recipe. Example: If a recipe calls for 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley, use 1 tablespoon of dried parsley flakes.
  • Whole spices keep their fragrance and flavor much longer than ground spices. If possible, get a spice grinder and shop for whole spices. Grind them as needed for the best flavor possible.
  • Add dried herbs early in the cooking process. This allows them time to rehydrate and release their flavors into the food over time.
  • Add fresh herbs late in the cooking process. This will preserve their delicate flavors and add a little extra color to the dish. If appropriate, use a little more of your fresh herb as an attractive garnish for your dish.
  • When using spices, remember that they can add a powerful punch of flavor. It’s best to add a little at a time, allow it to cook some, then taste. Add more if needed. It’s much easier to add more than to mask the flavor of too much of a specific spice in a food.
  • Toasting spices before adding them to a dish can help to enhance their flavor. Simply put your dried spices into a dry skillet on medium heat. Stir them until they become aromatic. Be careful not to burn them in the process since that could ruin the flavor! When they are aromatic, use them in your dish.

With a little thoughtfulness and planning, we can enjoy the many flavors of herbs and spices readily available to us, either through commercial markets or from our own gardens. We just need to remember to store them properly and rotate or renew our supply when needed.



About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.

Barley Grass Powder

Barley Grass 101 – The Basics

Barley Grass 101 – The Basics

Barley Grass Powder vs Barley Grass Juice Powder
Some popular smoothie recipes call for adding barley grass juice powder to the mixture. Yet, when we shop for this item, we may also see barley grass powder. This can lead to confusion and some people may accidentally buy the wrong item. So, what’s the difference?

Both items are made from barley grass, which is the leaves of the young barley plant that has not yet started to produce seeds. However, the two powders are not the same thing.

Barley grass powder is made from the leaves of the young barley plant that have been dehydrated then ground into a fine powder. The powder contains all of the components of the barley grass (except the water), including the nutrients, phytochemicals, and fiber. The powder is a medium green color, that is not as dark as barley grass juice powder. Barley grass powder can be added to foods and beverages, as desired. Barley grass has strong nutritional and medicinal properties and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1800 years. It is available in powder, capsule, or extract form.

Barley grass juice powder is also made from the leaves of the young barley plant. The leaves are first juiced, then the juice is dried at a low temperature to protect its nutrients. The result is a rich, dark green powder that contains concentrated nutrients that are found in barley grass. The juice powder does not contain the cellulose fiber, since it was removed in the pulp during the juicing process. Just like barley grass powder, barley grass juice powder may also be added to foods and beverages, as desired.

Does Barley Grass Contain Gluten?

While the seed of the plant (barley grain) does contain gluten, neither barley grass powder nor barley grass juice powder should contain gluten. As long as the grass (or leaves) were harvested when the plant was young, before seeds began to form, the grass should be gluten-free. Sometimes the leaves may be harvested late, after the seeds have started to form. In this case, there might be gluten in them. Also, some manufacturers do not have processing facilities that are dedicated to only gluten-free foods. In this case, there is the chance that there could be some gluten contamination (from other foods) in the powder. To be on the safe side, if you are sensitive to gluten, be sure to shop for barley grass products that are certified as being gluten-free.

Nutritional and Health Benefits

Young barley grass is said to be the most nutritious of all the green grasses. The array of nutrients found in barley grass powder and barley grass juice powder will be the same (except for the insoluble fiber which will not be found in barley grass juice powder), since they are derived from the same plant. However, the nutrients and phytochemicals will be much more concentrated and at a higher level in the barley grass juice powder than in the barley grass powder. Since the indigestible cellulose (insoluble fiber) has been removed in the barley grass juice powder, the nutrients will be easier to absorb in the digestive tract.

Barley grass (whether consumed fresh, powered, in capsules, or in juice powder) is rich in Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B-complex vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. It also contains high quality protein (with many different amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids) that the body can readily utilize. It also contains chlorophyll and an array of phytonutrients and antioxidants that make barley grass a highly nutritious food, no matter how it is consumed.

Heavy Metal and Toxin Remover. According to Anthony William, the Medical Medium, barley grass juice powder, draws out heavy metals, such as mercury, from the liver and other vital organs in the body. Barley grass juice powder is one of the key ingredients in his Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, and it works in tandem with the other key ingredients of the smoothie to bind onto heavy metals and remove them from the body. Doing so can help to reduce the symptoms and effects of serious health conditions, such as memory and concentration issues, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis, anxiety, depression, and many others. Barley grass juice powder replaces the toxins it removes with vital nutrients. Furthermore, it blocks pathogens, such as the Epstein-Barr, shingles, and other viruses from feeding on their preferred foods, such as toxic heavy metals. This, in turn, means that any conditions caused by these pathogens can be helped by consuming barley grass juice powder (and Anthony William’s Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie) on a regular basis.

Digestive Health and Weight Management. Fresh barley grass and barley grass powder (not the juice powder) contain a lot of fiber—all the fiber found naturally in the plant. Fiber moves slowly through the digestive tract, making us feel full longer. This helps to reduce the appetite and curb cravings. These factors can help in weight management, helping us to avoid overeating or over-snacking when we really don’t need the extra food. In a study published in the June 2019 issue of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, mice were fed a high-fat diet to induce obesity. Barley grass juice was then given to the mice for 60 days at the rate of 200 and 400 mg/kg of body weight. Various tests were administered to the mice at regular intervals and again at the end of the study. Researchers found that barley grass juice showed potent antioxidant activity, accompanied by a significant decrease in body weight and BMI, and improved lipid profiles and liver function markers. They concluded that barley grass juice can be an effective agent in the management of obesity.

Reduced Risk of Heart Disease and Improved Blood Cholesterol Levels. As mentioned in the above paragraph, blood lipid profiles have been shown to improve with regular intake of barley grass juice. It has also been shown to reduce blood pressure and inflammation in the body. All factors combined help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Other Benefits. Barley grass contains a variety of important enzymes (fatty acid oxidase, cytochrome oxidase, peroxidase, catalase and transhydrogenase) that can help in the breakdown of fats in the body. Barley grass is also very high in chlorophyll, which helps deter harmful bacteria helping to prevent disease in the body. It also helps to balance the pH of the body, promoting good health and improved immunity. Barley grass juice powder has been shown to help increase energy, aid digestion, relieve constipation, and improve sleep and the health of skin, hair, and nails.

Barley grass juice powder has also been found to be helpful in healing arthritis, migraine headaches, asthma, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, cancer, and diabetes. It also aids in the circulation of the lymphatic system. With all the health benefits of barley grass, it could be a valuable health tonic for everyone to include in their diet on a regular basis.

Ways to Include Barley Grass into Your Diet

* Grow your own barley grass and juice it on a regular basis.

* If you grow your own barley grass, the leaves can be added to a salad or any meal as a leafy green vegetable.

* Take barley grass capsules if juicing or consuming the powder are not good options for you.

* Add barley grass powder (or juice powder) to water, coconut water, juices, smoothies, or other beverages and drink it on a regular basis.

* Try adding barley grass powder (or juice powder) to pancakes, baked goods (such as quick breads), yogurt, and/or oatmeal. (See note below)

* Add it to a salad dressing.

* Mix it into soups. (See note below)

* Add it to hummus.

Note: To get the optimal benefit from your fresh barley grass, barley grass powder, or barley grass juice powder, use it in an unheated application. Heat treatment may reduce the nutrient content of this powerful food.


In summary, barley grass is an extremely nutritious, health-promoting food. If you want to improve or guard your health, including it in your diet on a regular basis may prove to be a valuable endeavor over time. If you have a serious health issue, it may be wise to consult with your personal healthcare provider before embarking on something new, just to be cautious. Otherwise, feel free to enjoy it any way you can work it into your day. Your body will thank you!


About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.


Pomegranates 101 – The Basics

Pomegranates 101 – The Basics

About Pomegranates
Pomegranates grow on small trees belonging to the Lythraceae family of plants. The scientific name for pomegranates is Punica granatum. The tree is believed to be native to Persia and the sub-Himalayan foothills of Northern India. Today, pomegranates are grown throughout the Mediterranean region, the Indian subcontinent, Central and Southeast Asia, tropical Africa, and parts of the United States, with California and Arizona being the top producers in the country. Pomegranates are usually available between October and January.

Pomegranates are used in both sweet and savory dishes. They are very popular in Israeli, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Indian, and African cuisines. Since the seeds can be somewhat challenging to extract, many people turn to using pomegranate juice, which is easy to use and readily available year-round.

Pomegranates have become a very popular, nutritionally rich fruit known for their unique flavor and health-promoting characteristics. The fruits are spherical and bright red to orange-yellow in color, depending on the variety. They are usually 3 to 4 inches in diameter and are covered by a thick, leathery rind. Inside, pomegranates have thin, bitter, spongy membranes that divide the seed sacs (called arils) into separate compartments. The arils are small juice-filled sacs that contain tiny edible seeds. The juice is sweet and deep pink in color. The arils are what make pomegranates such a delicious, sought-after fruit. The inner pith and rind of pomegranates are not edible.

Nutrition and Health Benefits
Besides being delicious, pomegranates have a variety of nutrients to boast about. They are high in fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, copper, folate, Vitamin B6, and thiamin (Vitamin B1). They even contain a little protein. One-half cup of pomegranate arils has about 72 calories.

Very importantly, pomegranates are high in antioxidants and other phytonutrients that have strong health-promoting properties. They have often been classified as a “super food.” This tag is due to the abundant antioxidants in pomegranates. In fact, pomegranate juice has three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea.

Antioxidants. Pomegranates are high in antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds that protect us from free radical damage. Free radicals are always found in the body. Having too many of them can be harmful and contributes to many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and macular degeneration.

Also, chronic inflammation has been shown to increase our risk for such debilitating diseases, as mentioned above. Antioxidants, such as those found in pomegranates, have been shown to help regulate inflammation and reduce chronic inflammation. Including a lot of vegetables and fruits, such as pomegranates, in the diet as much as possible is the best way to boost our antioxidant intake and thereby guard our health.

Anticancer Benefits. Some test-tube studies have found the compounds in pomegranate fruit can help to kill cancer cells, or slow their spread in the body. Also, human studies have found that pomegranates may help to slow cancer cell growth. The fruit has shown anti-tumor effects in cancers of the lung, breast, prostate, skin, and colon. Older human studies found that men who drank pomegranate juice had reduced risk of death from prostate cancer. Animal studies have shown that pomegranate helps to slow tumor growth in early stages of liver cancer.

Heart Protection. There is scientific evidence that fruits, such as pomegranates, that are high in polyphenolic compounds may benefit heart health. Test-tube studies found that pomegranate extract may reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the arteries. This helps to lower blood pressure and fight atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup in the arteries that leads to heart attacks and strokes.

In a human trial, subjects with heart disease drank 1 cup of pomegranate juice daily for 5 days. Their frequency and severity of chest pain was significantly reduced, and biomarkers in the blood suggested there was a protective effect on heart health.

Studies have suggested that drinking pomegranate juice every day can help to lower blood pressure by reducing LDL (low-density-lipoprotein) cholesterol and improving blood flow through the arteries. In summary, all of the antioxidants found in pomegranate work together to promote heart health.

Urinary Tract Health. Research studies have found that pomegranate extract may help to reduce the formation of kidney stones. They believe the benefit was largely attributed to the antioxidants in pomegranates. Researchers believe the benefit was due to antioxidants inhibiting the mechanism by which stones are formed in the body.

Furthermore, animal studies found that pomegranate extract helps regulate the concentration of oxalates, calcium, and phosphates in the blood. These are common components of kidney stones.

Antimicrobial Benefits. Pomegranates may also help to fight harmful microorganisms such as some types of bacteria, fungi, and yeast. Researchers found that oral health may be protected by pomegranate, by reducing unwanted oral microbes that can cause bad breath and tooth decay when overgrown.

A test-tube study found that pomegranate had antibacterial effects against Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria found in moist environments that can cause severe illness when ingested.

Brain Health. Ellagitannins, a type of antioxidant found in pomegranates, has been found to offer protective benefits against brain conditions that are brought on by inflammation and oxidative stress. Some studies found that ellagitannins help to protect us from developing Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease by reducing oxidative damage, and prolonging the survival of brain cells.

Some research also suggests that pomegranates can boost short-term memory in middle-aged and older adults who are experiencing mild memory issues. Scientists believe the antioxidants in the fruit help to reduce free radical damage, including damage to brain cells, which contributes to overall health and support of brain function.

Digestive Health. Compounds in pomegranates have been found to increase numbers of healthy gut microbes and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Also, the pomegranate arils are high in fiber which serves as a prebiotic, helping to feed our gut microbiome.

Furthermore, the high fiber content of pomegranate arils can help to ward off constipation. It may also help to reduce the inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

How to Select Pomegranates
When shopping for a pomegranate, choose one with smooth skin, bright color, and that feels firm and heavy for its size. The heavier it is, the more juice it contains. Avoid any that are spotted, or with cracks, mold, bruises, or wrinkles, since they will be older and not the best quality. Overmature fruits may be bitter and undesirable.

How to Store Pomegranates
Pomegranates will last the longest when kept in the refrigerator. They can last up to a week at room temperature, whereas they can last 2 to 3 weeks (or longer, depending on how old they are) in the refrigerator. When storing them at room temperature, keep pomegranates in a cool, dry, dark place, away from sunlight.

How to Prepare a Pomegranate
There is more than one way to cut into a pomegranate. Once you try these methods, you’ll learn which one is right for you. Whichever method you choose, BE SURE to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting stains on. Pomegranate juice is known for causing stains on fabrics, cutting boards, countertops, etc. So, be aware of this possibility and prepare for it in advance so you don’t ruin some article of clothing that is important to you!

Method 1. Rinse your pomegranate before cutting into it. Dry it with a paper towel or soft cloth. Using a sharp knife, score it lightly into two halves around the middle, and pull it apart. Gently remove the clusters of aril sacs while removing the white membrane, pith, and rind. Some people will turn over the half, cut side down, while holding it in one hand, and beat the rind with a wooden spoon or utensil with the other hand. This tapping action releases the arils from the fruit, so be sure to hold it over a bowl as you do this. Continue tapping until all the arils are released.

Method 2. This is the preferred method of cutting pomegranates by many people because it helps to reduce the chances of getting stained by the juice. Since the arils often splash liquid as they are cut, the staining can happen very quickly and easily. This method helps to avoid that problem.

Cut a small section off the top and bottom of the pomegranate. With a sharp knife, lightly score the vertical ridges on the outside rind of the fruit. Then break open the pomegranate while holding it in a large bowl of water. Loosen the sections and free the seeds from their membranes with your fingers. Discard the membranes (which often float), then drain off the seeds (which usually sink to the bottom of the bowl).  Drain the seeds well and gently pat them dry with a paper towel, if desired. Store your pomegranate arils in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. Use the arils within 5 days.

How to Freeze Pomegranates
Pomegranate arils can easily be frozen. First, remove the arils from the whole fruit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then spread the arils in a single layer on the baking sheet. Put them in the freezer for up to 2 hours. Transfer the frozen arils to an air-tight freezer container or bag and return them to the freezer. Be sure to date the container and use them within one year for best quality.

Quick Ideas and Tips for Using Pomegranates
* Sprinkle pomegranate arils on a green salad. Additional ingredients that would blend well include toasted pecans, pear slices, orange segments, and/or avocado slices. Drizzle it with your favorite vinaigrette dressing.

* Add pomegranate arils to your morning oatmeal.

* Top your favorite yogurt with pomegranate arils.

* Make a parfait with yogurt, granola, pomegranate arils, and mixed berries.

* Make a fruit salad with orange and grapefruit sections, pomegranate arils, sliced banana, diced apple, and some chopped mint.

* Top your favorite ice cream or frozen yogurt with pomegranate arils.

* Top your favorite roasted poultry with pomegranate arils.

* Stir pomegranate arils into cooked a wild rice or rice mixture. For added flavor and richness, add in some chopped chives, parsley, and toasted chopped nuts.

* Make a cranberry-pomegranate relish or salad to serve during the holidays.

* Garnish sautéed baby greens with diced shallots, pecans, and pomegranate arils.

* Top butternut-apple soup with pomegranate arils.

* Get creative and include pomegranate juice into soups, jellies, sorbets, sauces, and even cake, muffin, and quick bread batters, baked apples, and other desserts.

* Top a quinoa tabouleh with pomegranate arils.

* Add pomegranate arils to your favorite smoothie.

* Try a spinach pomegranate salad! Place spinach leaves in a large bowl. Top with sliced red onion, toasted walnut pieces, crumbled feta cheese, your favorite sprouts (i.e., broccoli or alfalfa), and pomegranate arils. Drizzle with your favorite balsamic vinaigrette dressing and enjoy!

* Try a ginger-orange pomegranate relish! Mix together 1-1/2 cups of pomegranate arils, 1 tablespoon orange zest, ½ tablespoon grated fresh ginger, and 1 tablespoon honey. Add a tablespoon or two of orange juice if more liquid is needed. Cover and refrigerate for an hour or two to allow flavors to blend, then enjoy!

* Make a pomegranate smoothie! Briefly blend 1 cup pomegranate arils (from 1 pomegranate) to break them up. Then add to the blender jar 1 cup frozen pineapple, 1 banana, 1 cup ice, 1/3 cup Greek yogurt, and ½ tablespoon maple syrup. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

Herbs and Spices That Go Well with Pomegranates
Allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, garlic, ginger, mint, mustard powder and seeds, parsley, thyme

Foods That Go Well with Pomegranates
Proteins, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds: Almonds, beans (in general), beef, chicken, chickpeas, lamb, legumes (in general), lentils (esp. red), pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, pork, tahini, turkey, walnuts

Vegetables: Arugula, beets, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, Chile peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, greens (bitter and salad), jicama, onions, radicchio, root vegetables, spinach, squash (winter), sweet potatoes, tomatoes

Fruits: Apples, avocado, bananas, cherries (fresh and dried), coconut, cranberries (fresh and dried), figs, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, lemons, limes, melons, olives, oranges and orange juice, peaches, pears, quinces, strawberries, watermelon

Grains and Grain Products: Barley, bulgur, couscous, grains (in general), quinoa, rice, wheat berries

Dairy and Non-Dairy Products: Cheese (i.e., cream, goat), yogurt

Other Foods: Agave nectar, chocolate, honey, maple syrup, oil (i.e., olive), sugar, vinegar (i.e., balsamic, sherry, red/white wine)

Pomegranates have been used in the following cuisines and dishes…
Curries, desserts (i.e., fruit cobblers and crisps, ices, sorbets), dips, drinks, glazes, granita, marinades, Mediterranean cuisines, Middle Eastern cuisines, pilafs, salad dressings, salads (i.e., cucumber, fruit, green), sauces, smoothies, sorbets, soups (esp. autumn), stews (i.e., lentil), Turkish cuisine

Suggested Food and Flavor Combos Using Pomegranates
Add pomegranates to any of the following combinations…

Apples + Butternut Squash + Walnuts
Arugula + Endive
Balsamic Vinegar + Pine Nuts + Spinach
Bell Peppers + Chiles + Cumin + Lemon + Walnuts
Cucumbers + Garlic + Mint
Goat Cheese + Orange + Walnuts
Grapefruit + Salad Greens + Red Onions
Lemon + Sugar
Orange + Grapefruit

Recipe Links
Assorted Pomegranate Recipes Worth Checking Out

26 Fresh Pomegranate Recipes

13 Tasty Pomegranate Recipes

21 Pomegranate Recipes We Know You’ll Love

Easy Pomegranate Smoothie

Pomegranate Winter Salsa

Pomegranate Molasses

Pomegranate Dark Chocolate Bites

Pomegranate Orange Muffins

Cranberry-Pomegranate Relish

20 Pomegranate Recipes You Need ASAP

21 Wonderful Pomegranate Recipes

24 Pomegranate Recipes You’ll Be Making All Fall

Our 23 Best Pomegranate Recipes

41 Yummy Pomegranate Recipes You Need to Try Today


Joachim, David. (2010) The Food Substitutions Bible. 2nd Edition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Robert Rose, Inc.

Page, Karen. (2014) The Vegetarian Flavor Bible. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.


About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.

Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard 101 – The Basics

Swiss Chard 101 – The Basics

About Swiss Chard
Whether a plant is labeled as “chard” or “Swiss chard,” it is all actually a variety of Swiss chard. “Chard” is often used just to simplify the name. Despite its name, the plant is not native to Switzerland, but actually to the Mediterranean region.

The first use of Swiss chard as a food is believed to date back about 2,500 years ago. The plant was enjoyed so much that it was carried around the world. Today, it is eaten on all continents and included in many different cuisines. Although it is not one of the common “greens” found in most grocery stores in the United States, it may be found in some stores that carry a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Swiss chard belongs to the Chenopodioideae family of plants. It is closely related to beets and spinach. There are many types of chard, with most having deep green leaves and firm, somewhat crispy stalks that are often used similarly to celery. The leaf size can vary among the different varieties of chard. Also, the stalks and veins in the leaves may range in colors from light green, beige, yellow, orange, pink, and red, to purple. The different colors result from different combinations of phytonutrients in the plants. Whichever variety you choose, you can count on chard having outstanding nutritional content and benefits. For those who are familiar with beet greens, Swiss chard is very similar in structure.

Nutrition and Health Benefits
Swiss chard has an exceptionally high nutrient content. According to the website, The World’s Healthiest Foods (, Swiss chard falls third in line among their highest rated foods, following spinach (which is second) and broccoli (which is first). This alone says a lot for Swiss chard!

Regarding nutrients, Swiss chard is high in the B-vitamins, including Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, pantothenic acid, folate, and choline. It also contains a lot of Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), Vitamin C, fiber, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and even some protein. One cup of cooked Swiss chard has a mere 35 calories.

Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits. Swiss chard contains a wide variety of antioxidants including polyphenols, Vitamins C and E, and carotenoids. Such compounds are well-known for helping to protect us from free radical damage that can lead to many chronic health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even cataracts. It has been clearly established that eating a diet rich in antioxidants helps to reduce our risk of developing such conditions.

Swiss chard also contains a wide variety of flavonoid antioxidants, both relatively common and some not commonly found in other leafy greens. Many of these compounds have been widely studied for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer benefits. For instance, chard varieties with stem colors other than green are rich in numerous betalains, types of flavonoids that have been found to inhibit a variety of pro-inflammatory enzymes along with harmful free radical molecules. However, don’t let this discourage you from enjoying the green-stem varieties of chard, because they too contain some betalains and are rich in their own set of beneficial phytonutrients.

Rich in Vitamin K. Swiss chard is very rich in Vitamin K, with 1 cup of cook chard providing 477% of the recommended daily intake of this important vitamin. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and other cellular functions. It is also critical for bone health. Research has shown that a low Vitamin K intake is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Conversely, people who eat a lot of Vitamin K-rich foods have a greater bone mineral density and lower rates of osteoporosis. So, the moral to the story is… Eat your greens for better bone health!

One note of caution…If you take blood thinning medication, such as warfarin, you are probably already aware that your intake of leafy green vegetables should be kept relatively stable. Suddenly increasing or decreasing your intake can alter the effectiveness of your medication. If you want to increase your intake of Vitamin K-rich foods, such as Swiss chard, you should first visit with your healthcare provider and be monitored in case your medication dosage needs to be adjusted.

Heart Health. We all know that eating a diet that includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for the heart. It is been shown to reduce the risk factors that can lead to heart disease, such as inflammation, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Swiss chard is an excellent source of potassium and magnesium, both of which have been shown to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

Furthermore, the fiber in Swiss chard may lower cholesterol levels by binding with bile in the intestinal tract, removing extra cholesterol before it is absorbed back into the bloodstream. Research has long established that people who eat a lot of leafy green vegetables, such as Swiss chard, have a reduced risk of heart disease. One study with over 173,000 participants found that for every serving of leafy green vegetables during the day, subjects had an 11 percent reduction in heart disease risk! Those with 1-1/2 servings per day of leafy greens had a 17 percent less likely risk of developing heart disease when compared with those having the lowest intake of such vegetables. All the more reason to eat your greens!

Lower Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar. Swiss chard is packed with nutrients that may lower blood sugar levels, including fiber. Fiber helps to slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream after a meal, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Fiber also helps to reduce insulin resistance, allowing blood glucose to enter cells to provide critical energy for the cells to function properly. Since insulin resistance is associated with an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, it is important to consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, such as Swiss chard, which are known to help promote proper insulin activity.

Furthermore, Swiss chard is high in antioxidants which have been shown to reduce insulin resistance and other diabetes-related complications. A review of 23 studies found that those with the highest intake of green leafy vegetables had a 13 percent lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than those with the lowest intake.

How to Select Swiss Chard
Look for chard with stems that are firm and brightly colored. The leaves should be glossy and smooth, without any brown or yellow spots.

How to Store Swiss Chard
Store chard (UNWASHED) wrapped in slightly damp paper towels within an open plastic bag. Place that in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator and use it within three days, for best quality. If it is very fresh, it may keep well for up to seven days.

How to Prepare Swiss Chard
Preparing Swiss chard is simple. Just rinse it well with cool water and it’s ready to be used. The leaves and stems may be enjoyed raw, although most people prefer to eat them cooked.

The leaves are tender whereas the stems are a bit more tough. If you plan to use only the tender leaves, remove them from the stems and reserve the stems to be used later. If you want to enjoy both the stems and leaves in a cooked dish, add them toward the end of cooking time. To balance the tenderness between the leaves and stems of your chard, add the stems to your cooking first and allow them to cook a few minutes before adding the leaves.

How to Freeze Swiss Chard
Wash your chard and separate the stems from the leaves. Chop both the leaves and stems into bite-size pieces. Bring a pot of water to boil. Add the stems to the water and immediately set a timer for 1 minute. When the timer goes off, immediately add the prepared leaves to the same pot. Immediately set the timer for 1 minute. (This means that the stalks will have boiled for 2 minutes, and the leaves for 1 minute.) When the timer goes off, drain the blanched chard and transfer it to a bowl of ice water. Allow the chard to chill for at least 2 minutes. Drain well and transfer the chard to a freezer container or bag. Label with the date and place it in the freezer. For best quality, use your frozen chard within 6 months.

To use your frozen chard, it may be added to any cooked dish while still frozen. If preferred, it may be thawed overnight in the refrigerator, thawed in a bowl of water, or placed in a colander and thawed under running water. Then, cook it as desired.

Some people prefer to freeze vegetables without blanching them first. Although this can be done with some foods, it is recommended that Swiss chard be blanched before being frozen. This stops the enzyme activity that will cause the chard to deteriorate while being stored in the freezer.

Quick Ideas and Tips for Using Swiss Chard
* If you’ve never eaten Swiss chard, it is often compared with spinach. It has an earthy, somewhat bitter flavor when eaten raw, and a slightly sweet, milder flavor when cooked.

* Add Swiss chard to soups and stews during the last 15 minutes or so of cooking. It will add color, fiber, and lots of nutritional value to your meal.

* Add some chopped Swiss chard to your favorite pasta dish. It can be tossed with hot, freshly cooked pasta. Or, if you prefer it cooked a little more, add it to the pot of cooking pasta during the last few minutes. Drain it along with the pasta for an easy, nutritional addition to your meal.

* Add Swiss chard in layers of your next lasagna.

* Try adding young Swiss chard leaves to a tossed green salad. The leaves will taste similar to spinach. The stalks will be similar to a tender celery.

* Add some Swiss chard leaves to sandwiches and wraps along with lettuce and other greens.

* The leaves of Swiss chard are tender and can be cooked quickly, like spinach. They may be briefly boiled, blanched, braised, sautéed, steamed or stir-fried.

* Try adding some chopped Swiss chard, along with fresh spinach, to pizza.

* Like spinach, when you cook Swiss chard, what appears to be a large amount when raw will cook down to a relatively little amount. Bear that in mind when preparing Swiss chard. If needed, you could combine it with another green leafy vegetable to help increase the amount of the cooked greens.

* Add some chopped Swiss chard to your next stir-fry.

* Add chopped Swiss chard to your favorite omelet.

* Try adding some Swiss chard on your favorite pizza.

* Add some Swiss chard to your favorite frittata.

* If you make smoothies, try adding some Swiss chard to your favorite smoothie in addition to (or instead of) spinach.

* Swiss chard can be baked into chips the same way you would make kale chips. Start with rinsed and dried leaves. Rub the leaves with a little olive oil, sprinkle them with salt, and spread them out on a dry baking sheet. Bake them at 300°F for about 20 to 30 minutes, until the edges just start to brown. Be careful not to burn them. Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool.

* Make simple sautéed Swiss chard by sautéing chopped chard in a small amount of olive oil or vegetable broth along with some garlic and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Add a few tablespoons of liquid at a time, if needed. When tender, drizzle them with a little lemon juice or vinegar of choice and enjoy!

* If you have stalks of mature Swiss chard, the stalks will be a bit tough. They can be sliced and used like celery in many applications.

* It’s important to note that Swiss chard is exceptionally high in Vitamin K. If you take a blood thinner, such as warfarin, you should have been advised to keep a steady intake of Vitamin K-rich foods. Suddenly increasing or decreasing your intake of such foods may alter the effectiveness of your medication. Consult with your healthcare provider if you want to increase your consumption of leafy green vegetables, so your prothrombin time can be monitored. Your medication dosages may need to be adjusted.

*  If you have a recipe that calls for chard and you don’t have any or don’t have enough, the following may be used as substitutes: turnip greens, spinach, bok choy, mustard greens, or kale. Note that the leaves of some greens, such as kale, are tougher than those of chard, so they may take a little longer to cook to make them tender.

Herbs and Spices That Go Well with Swiss Chard
Basil, capers, chili pepper flakes, cilantro, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, lovage, mint, mustard seeds, nutmeg, paprika (smoked and sweet), parsley, pepper, saffron, salt, thyme

Foods That Go Well with Swiss Chard
Proteins, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds: Almonds, bacon, beans (in general), beef, chicken, chickpeas, duck, eggs, fish, hazelnuts, lentils, pine nuts, pork, sausage, seeds (in general, esp., pumpkin, sesame), tahini, tofu, walnuts

Vegetables: Beets, bell peppers, carrots, chiles, eggplant, fennel, greens (all types), kale, leeks, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, scallions, shallots, sorrel, tomatoes and tomato sauce, zucchini

Fruits: Apples, coconut, currants, lemons (juice and zest), limes (juice and zest), olives, oranges (juice and zest), raisins

Grains and Grain Products: Bread crumbs, bulgur, millet, noodles, pasta, polenta, quinoa, rice, wheat berries

Dairy and Non-Dairy Products: Butter, cheese (esp. blue, cheddar, cottage, feta, goat, Gruyère, mozzarella, Parmesan, pecorino, ricotta), cream, mascarpone, sour cream, yogurt

Other Foods: Mustard (prepared), oil (esp. olive, peanut, sesame), soy sauce, stock, tamari, vinegar (esp. apple cider, balsamic, red wine), Worcestershire sauce

Swiss chard has been used in the following cuisines and dishes…
Crepes, curries, egg dishes (i.e., fried, frittatas, omelets, poached, quiche), French cuisine, gratins, pasta dishes (i.e., cannelloni, farfalle, gnocchi, lasagna, ravioli, tortellini), risottos, salads, soups (i.e., chard, lentil, minestrone, potato), stews, stir-fries, stuffed chard

Suggested Food and Flavor Combos Using Swiss Chard
Add Swiss chard to any of the following combinations…

Acorn Squash + Garlic + Gruyère
Balsamic Vinegar + Garlic + Olive Oil + Red Onions
Basil + Eggs + Onions
Cheese (i.e., Parmesan, Ricotta) + Onions
Chickpeas + Eggs + Lemon [in soups]
Chickpeas + Fennel
Chickpeas + Pasta
Chiles + Garlic + Olive Oil + Vinegar
Chiles + Tomatoes
Currants + Pine Nuts + Rice [stuffed chard]
Dill + Leeks
Garlic + Ginger + Soy Sauce
Garlic + Lemon + Olive Oil
Lemon + Mustard
Lemon + Olive Oil + Parmesan Cheese
Lemon + Tahini
Orange + Smoked Paprika
Parmesan Cheese + Polenta + Portobello Mushrooms
Pasta + Ricotta + Tomato Sauce
Pasta + White Beans
Peanuts + Pineapple
Pine Nuts + Raisins
Pine Nuts + Tahini + Yogurt

Recipe Links
White Bean Chard Soup

Sautéed Swiss Chard

Pickled Swiss Chard Stems

Swiss Chard and Navy Bean Soup

Easy Pasta with Winter Greens

No-Bake Lasagna

Eggs Nested in Sautéed Chard and Mushrooms

Spicy Vegetable Tart

3-Minute “Quick Boiled” Swiss Chard

Garlicky Swiss Chard

Simple Sautéed Swiss Chard

29 Swiss Chard Recipes for Never-Boring Greens

10 Tasty Swiss Chard Recipes

20 Swiss Chard Recipes That’ll Make It Your New Favorite Green


Joachim, David. (2010) The Food Substitutions Bible. 2nd Edition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Robert Rose, Inc.

Page, Karen. (2014) The Vegetarian Flavor Bible. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.


Arugula 101 – The Basics

Arugula 101 – The Basics

About Arugula
Arugula (Eruca vesicaria) is a member of the Brassica (Cruciferous) family of plants. It is cousin to kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and others. Arugula may also be known as rocket, rucola, and Italian cress, among other names. Technically, arugula is an herb, although we usually refer of it as a vegetable. The young leaves of arugula are often harvested since the larger, mature leaves can be very strong tasting. The flavor of arugula is often described as peppery, spicy, or mustardy. It may be used raw or very lightly cooked.

Arugula is native to the Mediterranean, where it has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes for thousands of years. Today, arugula is enjoyed around the world as a peppery salad green. Arugula is especially favored in Europe and North America, and is used as a salad green, leafy green vegetable, and an herb in a wide array of culinary applications.

Nutrition and Health Benefits
Arugula is a nutrient-dense food that is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. Also, it is low in calories, sugar, carbohydrates, and fat, making it a very healthful leafy green to include in your meals whenever you can. It is high in calcium, potassium, folate, fiber, iron, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Vitamin A.

Antioxidant Protection and Cancer. Arugula is full of antioxidants that can help to protect us from harmful free radical cellular damage. Among the antioxidants in arugula are glucosinolates. These compounds have strong anti-cancer benefits by preventing the initiation of cancer through blocking specific carcinogen-activating enzymes. These substances, which give arugula its strong flavor, may help to protect us against breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancers. They also help to fight inflammation.

Bone Health. Arugula is high in Vitamin K and calcium. These two nutrients work together to help keep our bones strong, preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin K helps to improve how the body absorbs, utilizes, and excretes calcium. One cup of arugula provides one-fifth of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin K, which is substantial.

Diabetes. Leafy green vegetables have been shown to be especially helpful in reducing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. In a study reported in the January 2017 issue of Pharmaceutical Biology, researchers found that extracts of arugula stimulated the update of glucose by insulin-responsive tissue.

Also, arugula and other vegetables in the Brassica plant family are good sources of fiber, which helps to regulate blood glucose and may reduce insulin resistance.

Heart Health. Vegetables, especially those in the Brassica plant family (including arugula) have protective effects on the heart. In a report published in the February 2017 issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology researchers found that diets rich in cruciferous vegetables, salads, and green leafy vegetables are linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. In another study reported in the 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers reported that consuming a diet high in cruciferous vegetables could reduce atherosclerosis in older women. Atherosclerosis is where plaque builds up in the arteries, which increases the risk of cardiovascular problems. Researchers speculate that the protective effects of vegetables in the Brassica (cruciferous) plant family are due to their high concentration of healthful compounds, including polyphenols and organosulfur compounds.

Liver Protection. Arugula is rich in chlorophyll. This plant compound has been found to help prevent liver and DNA damage from aflatoxins. Aflatoxins, which are toxins known to raise the risk for liver cancer, are made by some fungi that are found in crops such as corn, peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts. Eating a lot of green vegetables, including arugula, helps to fight the potential effects of aflatoxin. To get the most chlorophyll from arugula, eat it raw.

How to Select Arugula
Look for brightly colored, dry, fresh-looking arugula. It should have no signs of wilting or yellow leaves.

How to Store Arugula
Arugula is very perishable. Store it in the refrigerator, unwashed, and tightly wrapped in a plastic bag or tub that it came in. It is helpful to line the bag or container with a clean cloth or dry paper towels so they can absorb any moisture released by the leaves during storage. Excess moisture in the container can cause the arugula leaves to rot. Use your arugula as soon as possible. Look for the “Best By” date on the package and be sure to use it by then. When bought freshly harvested, arugula may keep for up to ten days in the refrigerator.

How to Prepare Arugula
When you are ready to use your arugula, give it a quick rinse and spin it dry in a salad spinner. Use it as desired.

Quick Ideas and Tips for Using Arugula
* Try making a pesto with arugula instead of basil. Or, if you have both on hand, try using a blend of both arugula and basil.

* Add some arugula along with spinach when you make lasagna.

* Toss some arugula with roasted vegetables right after they come out of the oven. Roasted squash, beets, potatoes, and carrots would work well together.

* Toss in a little arugula with cooked rice, wild rice, farro, or couscous. Add the arugula after the grains have cooked, just so it becomes lightly wilted.

* Try arugula instead of lettuce (or a lettuce/arugula mixture) in a sandwich, wrap, or on a burger.

* Add a little arugula to a soup or stew after it’s finished cooking.

* Add arugula with other greens to a tossed salad. Since arugula has a spicy flavor, the milder lettuce will help to balance the flavors. A sweet balsamic vinaigrette will complement the flavor of arugula with its peppery flavor.

* If you have a recipe that calls for arugula and you don’t have any or enough, you could substitute the following: watercress, Belgian endive, dandelion greens, escarole, radicchio (for salads), or baby spinach leaves. Note that spinach lacks the peppery flavor of arugula, so add pepper to your recipe to compensate.

* One ounce of arugula is about 1 cup.

* Add some arugula to pasta, noodle, potato, grain, and bean salads.

* Include arugula into warm pasta dishes, grain pilafs, and risotto.

* Add arugula to a stir-fry at the last minute.

* Add arugula to avocado toast.

* If the flavor of arugula is too strong for you, try lightly cooking it, which will make it more mellow. Lightly sautéing arugula with a little garlic, then finishing it with a drizzle of lemon juice will mellow the strong, pungent flavor and offer another health-promoting leafy green to your diet.

Herbs and Spices That Go Well with Arugula
Basil, chervil, chili pepper flakes, cilantro, fennel seeds, garlic, ginger, horseradish, mint, mustard, salt

Foods That Go Well with Arugula
Proteins, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds: Almonds, beans (i.e., black, cannellini, fava, green, white), beef, cashews, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, hazelnuts, lentils, nuts (in general), peas, pecans, pine nuts, pork, poultry (in general), pumpkin seeds, seafood, turkey, walnuts

Vegetables: Asparagus, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, chiles, cucumbers, daikon radishes, eggplant, endive, fennel, greens (greens milder in flavor than arugula, and salad greens), jicama, leeks, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, potatoes, radicchio, scallions, shallots, sprouts (i.e., sunflower), spinach, squash (summer and winter), sweet potatoes, tomatoes

Fruits: Apples, apricots, avocado, berries (in general), dates, figs, grapefruit, grapes, lemon, lime, melon (esp. honeydew), olives, oranges, peaches, pears, pomegranate seeds, raisins, strawberries, watermelon

Grains and Grain Products: Bulgur, corn, couscous, croutons, farro, grains (in general), millet, pasta, quinoa, rice, wild rice

Dairy and Non-Dairy: Cheese (i.e., blue, cheddar, feta, goat, Grana Padano, Monterey Jack, mozzarella, Parmesan, pecorino, ricotta)

Other Foods: Honey, maple syrup, mustard (prepared), oil (esp. canola, hazelnut, nut, olive, walnut), pesto, vinegar (esp. apple cider, balsamic, raspberry, red wine, sherry, white balsamic, white wine)

Arugula has been used in the following cuisines and dishes…
Gratins, Italian cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine, pasta dishes, pestos, pizza, risotto, salads, sandwiches (i.e., grilled cheese), soups (i.e., arugula, leek, potato), stir-fries

Suggested Food and Flavor Combos Using Arugula
Add arugula to any of the following combinations…

Apples + Cheddar Cheese + Mustard + Walnuts
Apples + Lemon Juice + Maple Syrup + Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar + Parmesan Cheese
Balsamic Vinegar + Parmesan Cheese + Red Onions + Tomatoes [in a risotto]
Beets + Feta Cheese + Garlic
Cheese + Fruit + Nuts
Cheese (i.e., Parmesan) + Garlic + Olive Oil + Pasta + Pine Nuts
Chickpeas + Red Onions + Spinach
Cucumbers + Feta Cheese + Quinoa + Red Onions + Tahini + Tomatoes
Fennel + Figs
Fennel + Grapefruit [in a salad]
Fennel + Hazelnuts + Orange + Radicchio
Fennel + Lemon + Pasta
Feta Cheese + Figs
Garlic + Pesto + Portobello Mushrooms + White Beans
Goat Cheese + Honey + Lemon
Lemon + Pecorino Cheese + Summer Squash
Mint + Pecorino Cheese + Pine Nuts
Mozzarella Cheese + Tomatoes
Olives + Oranges + Parmesan Cheese
Pears + Rosemary

Recipe Links
31 Arugula Recipes So You Can Eat It All the Time

Grilled Broccoli and Arugula Salad

Arugula, Apple, and Parsnip with Buttermilk Dressing

Arugula, Grape, and Almond Salad with Saba Vinaigrette

Roasted Peach and Arugula Salad

35 Arugula Recipes to Add to Your Arsenal While It’s in Season

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Arugula and Pumpkin Seeds

Pasta with Asparagus, Arugula, and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Spinach or Arugula Scrambled Tofu

Pasta with Leafy Greens Pesto

Lemony Spinach (or Arugula) with Fresh Herbs

Avocado and Tahini Dip with Baby Greens

Mixed Greens Salad with Avocado and Blueberries

Tri-Color Potato and Arugula Salad

Wild Arugula Salad with Garlic Croutons, Shaved Parmesan, and Lemon

Sunflower Seed Pesto (with Arugula)

Cherry, Arugula, and Quinoa Salad


Joachim, David. (2010) The Food Substitutions Bible. 2nd Edition. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Robert Rose, Inc.

Page, Karen. (2014) The Vegetarian Flavor Bible. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.

About Judi

Julia W. Klee (Judi) began her journey enjoying “all things food” in elementary school when she started preparing meals for her family. That love of food blossomed into a quest to learn more and more about health and wellness as related to nutrition. She went on to earn a BS Degree in Food and Nutrition, then an MS Degree in Nutrition. She has taught nutrition and related courses at the college level to pre-nursing and exercise science students. Her hunger to learn didn’t stop upon graduation from college. She continues to research on a regular basis about nutrition as it relates to health. Her hope is to help as many people as possible to enjoy foods that promote health and wellness.